Businesses of Cheatham County TN, 1865

A list of businesses which were in operation in Cheatham County in 1865. The list was taken from a tax collection report for the year ending September 30th, 1865

Brief History of Lynchburg, Moore County, Tennessee

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

Thomas Roundtree, who lived in the log house on the lot where Dr. E. Y. Salmon now resides, was the original proprietor of the lands on which Lynchburg is located. He laid out the town about the year 1818, and, as the famous beech tree, used as a lynching post, where early offenders were punished, stood over the spring near his house, he very appropriately named the town Lynchburg. Lots were laid out and numbered on the street south of the court house and sold at public sale; but, no records having been preserved, it is impossible to give date … Read more

Moore County, Tennessee County, Circuit, Chancery Courts

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

The county court is composed of the several civil magistrates of the several civil districts of the county, and is presided over by one of their number, whom they elect as a chairman. The county court clerk and the sheriff are officers of this court. The court meets in quarterly sessions the first Mondays of January, April, July and October. Quorum courts convene on the first Mondays of each month. For the organization of this court and a sketch of its proceedings, the reader is referred to the organization of the county, in which its history is interwoven. The first … Read more

Moore County, Tennessee Court System

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

On the 8th of January, 1884, the county court appointed a committee to select and secure a new location for a Public Square. And in July of the same year the committee reported that they had deeded the square on Mechanic Street back to its former owners, and secured title to the Public Square where the court house now stands. Their action was approved, and a building committee, consisting of R. B. Parks, John E. Bobo and W. D. L. Record, was then appointed, with instructions for the construction of a court house. This committee awarded the contract to S. … Read more

Moore County, Tennessee Organization

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

The county of Moore was organized in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the state of Tennessee, entitled “An act to establish a new county out of portions of the territory of Lincoln, Franklin, Coffee and Bedford Counties, to be called the county of Moore, in honor of the late General William Moore, of Tullahoma, Tennessee, one of the early settlers of Lincoln County, Tennessee, a soldier of the war of 1812, and for many years a member of the General Assembly of the state of Tennessee,” passed December 14, 1871. The act provided that the county … Read more

Moore County, Tennessee Early Businesses and Industries

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

The first cotton gin was erected near the same place in about 1818. Thomas Roundtree built the cotton mill on the creek at Lynchburg, about the year 1820. At this time there was a cotton gin and cotton mill on East Mulberry Creek near the county line, owned by Levi Roberts. The grist mill and cotton gin at Lynchburg, was then operated by William P. Long. A large tannery was also in operation at Lynchburg about this time. A Mr. McJimsey is said to have opened the first store in Lynchburg some time prior to 1820, at which time William … Read more

Moore County, Tennessee Early History

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

Moore County lies in the south central portion of Tennessee, and is bounded on the north by Bedford, east by Coffee, south by Franklin, and west by Lincoln. It contains about 170 square miles, and its surface is greatly diversified. About one-half the county lies on the Highland Rim, and the remainder of the county lies in the Central Basin. The eastern portion has a high, flat, slightly-rolling surf ace, known as the “barrens,” which breaks off to the south and west into ridges and ravines, some of the latter having a depth of 300 to 400 feet. These ridges … Read more

Brief History of Maryville College

Maryville College Tennessee

Maryville College was founded in 1819. It was born of the moral and spiritual needs of the earliest settlers of East Tennessee — chiefly Scotch-Irish Presbyterians — and was designed to educate for the ministry men who should be native to the soil. The grand motive of the founder may be stated in his own words: “Let the Directors and Managers of THIS Sacred Institution propose the glory of God and the advancement OF that kingdom purchased by the blood of His only begotten Son as their sole object.” Inspired by such a motive, Rev. Isaac Anderson, D.D., gathered a … Read more

History of Maryville City Schools

Fort Craig School

The public school system was established in 1900 with the purchase by the City of Maryville of the Quaker School on the Pride Mansion property. Pride Mansion stood at the present site of Maryville Municipal Building. A special school district was set up for the 9th and 19th districts one mile from the courthouse (which stood where First Tennessee Bank is now). County funds were to be allotted to the district based on the average daily attendance. Maryville ran a public school in the old Pride Mansion and the adjoining dormitory buildings until a bond issue of 1909 provided money … Read more

Early History of Blount County, Tennessee

A Portion of Map Printed in 1795 showing Blount County

Blount County was created out of Knox County by an act passed at the second session of the territorial assembly at Knoxville, on July 11, 1795, and named in honor of William Blount, the first and only territorial governor. Knox County had been created from fractions of Greene and Hawkins counties in 1792. Greene was created from Washington in 1783, and Washington was established in 1777, the oldest county in the state. Since the creation of Blount County in 1795, the territorial limits have been added to by the Treaty of Tellico, 1798, and Calhoun’s Treaty of 1819. A portion … Read more