Anderson County Deed Index: 1841-1846

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Anderson County Deed index provides a full index of all people named in Anderson County, Tennessee deeds for the years of 1841 – 1846 as found in volume L, Register of Deeds. These deeds were microfilmed by the Tennessee State Archives on roll #31.

6Adkins, Elishaindenture1842
208Adkins, Randeldeed1846
133Alred, Solomonindenture1845
7Alverson, John C.indenture1842
25Andrews, Richarddeed1843
33Andrews, Richardbill of sale1843
34Andrews, Richardbill of sale1843
35Andrews, Richardbill of sale1843
111Andrews, Richardindenture1844
184Andrews, Richarddeed of trust1845
167Armstrong, Drury Pindenture1845
150Ashlock, Obadiahindenture1845
205Baker, Johndeed1845
160Bantis, Stephenindenture1845
178Black, Johnindenture1845
224Black, Josephdeed1846
243Blackburn, Salatheilindenture1846
136Bradshaw, Johnindenture1845
197Brock, Obediahindenture1845
15Brummet, Williamindenture1843
16Brummet, Williamindenture1843
160Buckley, Charles Aindenture1845
235Bulkley, Charles Apower of attorney1846
160Burt, Johnindenture1845
147Butcher, Samuel Cindenture1845
87Buttler, Nancy Annbill of sale1844
181Buttler, William G. & Wm. M.forced land sale1845
206Canada, Jackson J.indenture1846
62Cappack, Jacobindenture1844
126Carden, Johndeed of trust1844
128Carden, Johndeed of trust1845
156Carroll, Williamindenture1845
171Childers, Johndeed1845
69Chiles, Johnindenture1844
224Chiles, Johndeed1846
70Chiles, Rorolinbill of sale1844
222Chiles, Rowlandindenture1846
22Clapier, Lewisindenture1843
154Clapier, Lewisindenture1845
141Clapier, Lewis (deceased)indenture1845
175Clear, Carpenterdeed1845
31Courtney, Johndeed1843
51Coward, Thomas & Jamesindenture1844
18Cox, James & Johnbill of sale1843
161Cross, Abnerindenture1845
142Cross, Alfredindenture1845
185Cross, Alfredbill of sale1845
200Cross, Alfredindenture1845
101Cross, Johnindenture1844
238Crozier, Clark Gpower of attorney1846
5Dagly, Stokelyindenture1842
191Davidson, William  indenture1845
37Davidson, William & Washington M C.indenture1843
24Davis, James S.deed1843
218Dew, Davidindenture1846
240Dougherty, Danielindenture1846
201Duncan, Alfredindenture1845
223Duncan, Alfredindenture1846
239Duncan, Mosesbill of sale1846
96Duncan, Thomasbill of sale1844
162Dunkin, Jamesdeed1845
43Dunkin, Mosesdeed1843
1Dunkin, Thomasindenture1842
24Dykes, Jamesdeed1843
226Dykes, Thomasindenture1846
65Eastland, Thomas Pindenture1844
46Eaton, Joseph Pindenture1844
55Eaton, Joseph Pindenture1844
182England, Zepporaemancipation of slave1845
190Esterbrook, Josepharticle of agreement1845
157Farmer, Abnerindenture1845
161Farmer, Abnerindenture1845
57Farmer, Henry & Moses (deceased)indenture1844
142Farmer, Moses (deceased)indenture1845
81Foster, Enochindenture1844
72Fraker, George W.deed1844
90Fraker, George W.indenture1844
180Freels, William S.deed1845
189Freeman, Lewisindenture1845
101Frost, Reuben C.indenture1844
220Galbreath, Josephdeed1846
221Galbreath, Josephindenture1846
194Gammon, Georgedeed of trust1845
228Gammon, Georgeindenture1846
92Garner, John & Pleasant H.deed1844
176Gentry, Martinindenture1845
53Gibbs, Johnindenture1844
140Gibbs, Johnindenture1845
19Gibbs, William & Ann & John (decd)bill of sale1843
68Gollaher, Benjamin Hindenture1844
66Gollaher, George & Benjamin Hdeed1844
67Gollaher, George & Benjamin Hindenture1844
60Griffin, Jamesindenture1844
148Hackney, Benjaminbond1845
225Hackney, Benjamin Pindenture1846
181Hackworth, L.deed1845
221Hackworth, Larkinindenture1846
27Hadler, Johndeed of trust1843
26Hagler, Johndeed of trust1843
214Hagler, Johnindenture1846
215Hagler, Johnindenture1846
217Hagler, Johnindenture1846
222Hagler, Johnindenture1846
228Hagler, Johnindenture1846
129Hall, David & Richardmortgage1845
7Hall, Jamesindenture1842
189Hall, Jamesindenture1845
145Hall, Richarddeed1845
146Hall, Richarddeed1845
176Hammack, Ephraimindenture1845
45Harliss, Phillipindenture1844
46Harliss, Phillipindenture1844
224Harsue, Ransomdeed1846
175Hart, Tabitha & Thomasforced land sale1845
229Hasken, Randsom & Josephpower of attorney1846
131Hawkins, Edwardindenture1845
231Hibbs, Williamindenture1846
232Hibbs, Williamindenture1846
98Hicks, John H.bill of sale1844
148Hogshead, Ann & Alexanderbond1845
201Hogshead, Elizabethindenture1845
116Holt, Austindeed1844
3Hoskins, Armstead & Johnindenture1842
50Hoskins, Jessedeed1844
81Hoskins, Oliverindenture1844
187Hoskins, West & Oliverindenture1845
1Hoskins, William Aindenture1842
29Hubler, Johngrant1843
78Hurley, Thomasdeed1844
19Ingram, Thomasbill of sale1843
214Jackson, Jamesindenture1846
32Jackson, Sarah & Simondeed1843
206Jarangin, Johnindenture1846
207Jarangin, Johndeed of trust1846
112Jarnagin, Johnindenture1844
134Jarnagin, Johnindenture1845
158Jarnagin, Johnbill of sale1845
157Jarnagin, John & Jeremiahindenture1845
48Johnson, Beththenaindenture1844
49Johnson, Beththenaindenture1844
50Johnson, Craven J.deed1844
20Johnson, Craven Sbill of sale1843
153Johnson, Craver Sindenture1845
40Johnson, Jamesindenture1843
50Johnson, Kinza (deceased) & Sarahdeed1844
48Johnson, Mark  indenture1844
49Johnson, Mark  indenture1844
47Johnson, Mark & Samuel R.indenture1844
48Johnson, Mary Annindenture1844
49Johnson, Mary Annindenture1844
48Johnson, Tellietaindenture1844
49Johnson, Tellietaindenture1844
116Jones, Johndeed1844
61Karnes, Enosindenture1844
203Keebler, Johnindenture1845
117Keeney, John Ldeed1844
58Keeney, Williamdeed of trust1844
170Keith, G. W.deed1845
131Keith, John Jindenture1845
168Keith, John Jsurvey1845
8Keith, Spencerindenture1843
85Keith, Spencerbill of sale1844
89Keith, Spencerbill of sale1844
156Keller, Harrisonindenture1845
4Kenney, Josephindenture1842
133Key, James W.indenture1845
44Kirk, Catharineindenture1844
44Kirk, Elijah (deceased)indenture1844
44Kirk, John P.indenture1844
44Kirk, Nelsonindenture1844
44Kirk, Solomonindenture1844
44Kirk, Williamindenture1844
17Kirkpatrick, Jamesdeed1843
132Kirkpatrick, Jamesbill of sale1845
169Kirkpatrick, Jamesdeed of trust1845
196Kirkpatrick, Jamesbill of sale1845
198Kirkpatrick, Jamesindenture1845
219Kirkpatrick, Jamesindenture1846
41Lamar, Andrew J & Joseph B.indenture1843
151Lamar, Catherine & Wilie Bindenture1845
216Lamar, Hugh B. & Pollydivision of land1846
151Lamar, Hugh B. & Thomas J & Joseph Bindenture1845
126Lamar, Jamesdeed of trust1844
174Lamar, John M & H. B. & Charlesdeed1845
98Lamar, Joseph B.bill of sale1844
127Lamar, Joseph B.deed of trust1845
218Lamar, Joseph B.indenture1846
151Lamar, William (deceased) & Andrew Jindenture1845
216Lamar, William (deceased) heirsdivision of land1846
63Landrum, Thomasindenture1844
199Langheny, Jamesindenture1845
224Lea, Eppydeed1846
152Leach, Calvinindenture1845
209Leach, John & Calvinindenture1846
210Leach, John & Calvinindenture1846
116Leath, Willisdeed1844
123Leath, Willisdeed1844
42Leckie, Robert W.deed of trust1843
10Lee, Eppyindenture1843
73Leiber, Johnindenture1844
73Leinard, Jacob   indenture1844
36Leinard, Jacob Sr & Jr.indenture1843
15Lett, Jamesindenture1843
16Lett, Jamesindenture1843
128Lewallen, Charlesdeed of trust1845
132Lewallen, Charlesbill of sale1845
196Lewallen, Charlesbill of sale1845
236Lewallen, Johnindenture1846
207Lewallen, Samuel S.deed of trust1846
43Lieber, Philipdeed1843
28Linebaugh, Danielindenture1843
231Long, Henryindenture1846
176Long, Thomasindenture1845
93Longmire, Henderson & Elijahindenture1844
45Longmire, Reuben Mindenture1844
55Longmire, Reuben Mindenture1844
122Louallen, Charlesbill of sale1844
4Lovely, Johnindenture1842
6Lovely, Johnindenture1842
187Low, Michaelindenture1845
188Low, Michaeldeed1845
84Loy, Georgeindenture1844
202Loy, Georgedeed of trust1845
212Loy, Georgedeed1846
102Loy, George & Lewisdeed1844
102Loy, Henry & Nancy & Samuel T &deed1844
102Loy, Jacob & Isaack & Racheldeed1844
213Loy, John heirsdivision of land1846
124Luallen, Charlesindenture1844
125Luallen, Charlesindenture1844
127Luallen, Charlesdeed of trust1845
169Luallen, Charlesdeed of trust1845
80Luallen, John & Charlesindenture1844
181Luvallen, Alexanderdeed1845
183Manly, Ancildeed of gift1845
95Marks, Thomasbill of sale1844
224Marshall, Richarddeed1846
165Martin, Hardy F.indenture1845
188Massingale, Williamdeed1845
19McAdoo, Johnbill of sale1843
52McAdoo, Johnindenture1844
53McAdoo, Johnindenture1844
148McAdoo, Johnbond1845
94McBath, Williamindenture1844
68McCluer, Alexander & Sarahindenture1844
190Mcclung, Hugh Larticle of agreement1845
151McKamey Robertindenture1845
87McKamey, Andrewbill of sale1844
88McKamey, Andrew Sr. & Jr.bill of sale1844
109McKamey, Bartonbill of sale1844
110McKamey, Bartonbill of sale1844
115McKamey, Bartonbill of sale1844
211McKamey, Barton & John Aindenture1846
115McKamey, Elizabeth & Robert Mbill of sale1844
144McKamey, Elizabeth & Robert Mindenture1845
144McKamey, John A. M. & Peggy C.indenture1845
86McKamey, John C.bill of sale1844
23McKamey, Robertdeed1843
25McKamey, Robertdeed1843
31McKamey, Robertdeed1843
33McKamey, Robertbill of sale1843
34McKamey, Robertbill of sale1843
35McKamey, Robertbill of sale1843
100McKamey, Robertdeed1844
184McKamey, Robertdeed of trust1845
21McKamey, Robert  deed of trust1843
20McKamey, Robert & Bartonbill of sale1843
76McKamey, Robert & Bartonbill of sale1844
82McKamey, Robert & Bartonindenture1844
38McKamey, Robert & Elizabethindenture1843
39McKamey, Robert & John A.indenture1843
144McKamey, William & Bartonindenture1845
115McKamey, William & John A & Peggy C.bill of sale1844
114McKamey, Wm. & Bartonbill of sale1844
111Milican, Johnindenture1844
112Milican, Johnindenture1844
204Miller, Georgeindenture1845
28Miller, Isaacindenture1843
200Miller, Lewisindenture1845
176Mitchel, Chesleyindenture1845
102Mitchel, John Bdeed1844
244Mitchell, Charlesindenture1846
243Mitchell, Chesleyindenture1846
202Mitchell, John B.deed of trust1845
54Moore, Jamesdeed1844
177Moore, Jamesindenture1845
242Moore, Jamesdeed1846
104Moore, Jos. E & Susanahbill of sale1844
13Moore, Josephdeed1843
17Moore, Joseph & Samueldeed1843
134Moore, Joseph Eindenture1845
142Moore, Lasarus & Sallyindenture1845
59Moore, Lemueldeed1844
60Moore, Lemuelindenture1844
81Moore, Lemuelindenture1844
226Moore, Lemuelindenture1846
104Moore, Samuelbill of sale1844
105Moore, Samuelindenture1844
122Moore, Samuelbill of sale1844
165Moore, Samuelindenture1845
219Moore, Samuelindenture1846
223Moore, Samuelindenture1846
103Moore, Sarahindenture1844
167Morrow, Samuel  indenture1845
166Morrow, Samuel & Robertindenture1845
40Morton, Jamesindenture1843
22Morton, Thomasindenture1843
62Moser, Johnindenture1844
124Mynatt, Gordanindenture1844
217Naff, Jindenture1846
77Nickle, John  deed1844
57Nickle, John & Lodemaindenture1844
69Oliver, C Yindenture1844
27Oliver, Charles Y.deed of trust1843
14Oliver, Douglas & Douglasbill of sale1843
121Oliver, Douglas (deceased)bill of sale1844
192Oliver, Johnbill of sale1845
193Oliver, Johndeed1845
23Oliver, Richarddeed1843
79Oliver, Richardlaw suit1844
85Oliver, Richardbill of sale1844
89Oliver, Richardbill of sale1844
95Oliver, Richardbill of sale1844
106Oliver, Richarddeed of trust1844
107Oliver, Richarddeed of trust1844
108Oliver, Richarddeed of trust1844
113Oliver, Richarddeed of trust1844
121Oliver, Richardbill of sale1844
153Oliver, Richardindenture1845
178Oliver, Richardindenture1845
186Oliver, Richardbill of sale1845
194Oliver, Richarddeed of trust1845
149Oliver, Richard & Charles Ydeed1845
158Oliver, Richard & Charles Ybill of sale1845
164Oliver, Richard & Charles Ydeed1845
77Oliver, Williamdeed1844
180Oliver, Williamdeed of trust1845
224O’Neal, Johndeed1846
235Osgood, Robert Hpower of attorney1846
227Overton, Alfredindenture1846
177Overton, Jamesindenture1845
97Overton, Johnindenture1844
151Overton, Mosesindenture1845
159Overton, Moses & Josephindenture1845
42Owen, R. G. W.deed of trust1843
11Parker, James W.deed1843
102Pate, Anderson & Sadedeed1844
117Pate, Williamforced land sale1844
237Patterson, William & Mathewindenture1846
149Peak, Jacobdeed1845
8Peak, Williamindenture1843
119Peck, Ameliabill of sale1844
164Peck, Ameliadeed1845
163Peck, Amelia & Williamdeed of trust1845
240Phillips, Isaacindenture1846
225Phillips, Milton Lindenture1846
186Pickle, William H.bill of sale1845
175Pile, Henryforced land sale1845
12Piles, Henry & Jacobindenture1843
22Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1843
84Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1844
94Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1844
105Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1844
141Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1845
154Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1845
155Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1845
54Rhea, Elideed1844
97Rhea, Eliindenture1844
242Rhea, Eli, John, James M,, Williamdeed1846
230Rhea, John & John R heirspower of attorney1846
183Right, Elizabethdeed of gift1845
50Robbins, Samuel W. & Lovonadeed1844
106Roberts, Collinsdeed of trust1844
107Roberts, Collinsdeed of trust1844
108Roberts, Collinsdeed of trust1844
113Roberts, Collinsdeed of trust1844
215Roberts, Collinsindenture1846
238Roberts, Collinspower of attorney1846
119Robertson, F. H.bill of sale1844
120Robertson, F. H.bill of sale1844
121Robertson, F. H.bill of sale1844
192Robertson, F. H.bill of sale1845
193Robertson, Francis H.deed1845
96Robins, Willson C.bill of sale1844
17Ross, Jamesdeed1843
70Ross, Jamesbill of sale1844
71Ross, Jamesdeed1844
72Ross, Jamesdeed1844
74Ross, Jamesindenture1844
80Ross, Jamesindenture1844
90Ross, Jamesindenture1844
99Ross, Jamesindenture1844
103Ross, Jamesindenture1844
143Ross, Jamesdeed1845
152Ross, Jamesindenture1845
173Ross, Jamesindenture1845
198Ross, Jamesindenture1845
199Ross, Jamesindenture1845
236Ross, Jamesindenture1846
241Ross, Jamesindenture1846
146Ruse, Sherwood & Caroline M.deed1845
150Russell, Williamindenture1845
140Rutherford, Lloydindenture1845
135Rutherford, Lloyd & Isaac & Ezekialindenture1845
139Rutherford, Lloyd & Isaac & Ezekialindenture1845
138Rutherford, Lloyd & Johnindenture1845
64Rutherford, Loydindenture1844
56Saxton, Jessedeed1844
123Scarborough, Williamforced land sale1844
189Scarbro, Jonathanindenture1845
233Scruggs, Johndeed1846
234Scruggs, Johndeed1846
52Scuggs, Johnindenture1844
190Seiber, Johnarticle of agreement1845
191Seiber, Johnindenture1845
162Seiber, Philipdeed1845
195Seiber, Robert & Philipdeed1845
203Severs, Hugh M.indenture1845
71Severs, Williamdeed1844
173Severs, Williamindenture1845
170Shannon, Williamdeed1845
102Sharp, Alforddeed1844
61Sharp, Nicholasindenture1844
56Sieber, Johndeed1844
83Slover, Abrahamlaw suit1844
75Slover, Calvin Mindenture1844
130Slover, Calvin Mdeed1845
74Slover, Pleasant & Charles & Aindenture1844
21Smith, Banisterdeed of trust1843
239Smith, Williambill of sale1846
141Snoderly, Danielindenture1845
197Snodley, Henryindenture1845
171Snoterly, Henrydeed1845
172Snoterly, Henrydeed1845
13Spessard, Michaeldeed1843
102Stooksberg, Isaacdeed1844
91Storeghton, E. W.indenture1844
69Stormer, Francisindenture1844
244Strader, Danielindenture1846
147Swafford, Johnindenture1845
154Swafford, Johnindenture1845
179Swofford, Johnindenture1845
30Tally, Grief & Willis W.deed1843
9Thompson, Samueldeed1843
136Tulley, Willis Windenture1845
86Turmell, Williambill of sale1844
118Turner, Geo. Sr & Jacob & William & Valentiindenture1844
83Vanbebber, Isaaclaw suit1844
59Vandagriff, Johndeed1844
208Vandagriff, Johndeed1846
151Wade, Crocket & Ann Eindenture1845
120Walker, W. W.bill of sale1844
137Walker, Williamindenture1845
79Wallace, Campbelllaw suit1844
232Wallace, Enochindenture1846
155Wallace, Jamesindenture1845
204Wallace, Jamesindenture1845
63Wallace, Johnindenture1844
64Wallace, Johnindenture1844
5Wallace, Samuel  indenture1842
2Wallace, Samuel & Johnindenture1842
137Wallace, Williamindenture1845
78Walter, Allendeed1844
143Ward, Michaelforced land sale1845
44Warwick, Callowayindenture1844
172Weaver, Timothydeed1845
58Webb, Georgedeed of trust1844
75Webb, Georgeindenture1844
241Webb, Georgeindenture1846
99Webb, John Sr.indenture1844
130Webb, Josephdeed1845
227Webber, Casperindenture1846
65Wells, Henryindenture1844
91Wells, Henryindenture1844
11White, Johndeed1843
123White, Mosesforced land sale1844
100Whitson, Johndeed1844
109Whitson, John G.bill of sale1844
110Whitson, John G.bill of sale1844
179Whitson, John G.indenture1845
19Williams, Squirebill of sale1843
10Wood, Ruben Dindenture1843
9Woods, Ruben D.deed1843
125Worthington, John Kindenture1844
233Worthington, John Kdeed1846
234Worthington, John Kdeed1846
185Wright, William & Elizabethbill of sale1845
145Yarnell, Daniel & Elmiradeed1845
145Young, John & Obediencedeed1845
26Young, Samuel C.deed of trust1843
168Young, Samuel C.survey1845
214Young, Samuel C.indenture1846
215Young, Samuel C.indenture1846
222Young, Samuel C.indenture1846
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