Anderson County Deed Index: 1837-1842

Ancestry US

Anderson County Deed index provides a full index of all people named in Anderson County, Tennessee deeds for the years of 1837 – 1842 as found in volume K, Register of Deeds. These deeds were microfilmed by the Tennessee State Archives on roll #31.

194Adair, Johnreference
25Adkins, Elijahindenture
74Aldred, Josephdeed of trust
131Aldridge, Josephreference
138Alexander, E.deed of trust
103Alldridge, Josephindenture
95Allread, Isaacindenture
96Allread, Isaacreference
160Allred, Isaacreference
74Alverson, John C.witness
162Anderson, William
66Andrews, Richardwitness
67Andrews, Richardwitness
132Andrews, Richardmortgage
142Armstrong, Martinreference
92Arthur, Silaswitness
196Ashurst, Elijahwitness
66Ashurst, Joseph Mindenture
67Ashurst, Joseph Mindenture
68Ashurst, Joseph Mindenture
70Ashurst, Joseph Mindenture
41Baker, Solomonwitness
128Barton, Hughwitness
165Barton, Hughindenture
76Bays, Joelpoa
76Bays, Rufuspoa
82Beard, Josephreference
112Beech, Elijahreference
104Bell, Davidreference
150Bell, Robt. M.indenture
151Bell, Robt. M.indenture
150Bell, Washingtonwitness
155Black, Johndeed of trust
120Black, Josephreference
3Black, Williamdeed
22Bolin, C. C.reference
108Boling, Charles C.forced land sale
108Boling, H. B.forced land sale
122Bonham, Manly P.indenture
56Bowling, Charles C.reference
183Bowling, Charles Sforced land sale
16Bowling, Hugh Bbill of sale
57Bowling, Hugh B.indenture
56Bowling, Larkin Hreference
57Bowling, Larkin Hindenture
128Boyd, Williamreference
54Braden, Jamesreference
120Bradley, Burrell B.indenture
119Bradley, D. L.witness
120Bradley, Leahindenture
132Bray, Edward Pmortgage
132Bray, Emiliawitness
132Bray, Joseph
132Bray, Joshuaway Jwitness
139Breden, Jamesreference
36Brim Henrywitness
36Brim, Jameswitness
36Brim, Josephwitness
50Brown, Alexanderreference
120Brown, Alexanderindenture
120Brown, Jamesindenture
1Brown, Johnreference
169Brown, Moses Jr.deed of trust
142Brown, Thomasattorney
41Brummet, Williamindenture
42Brummet, Williamwitness
52Brummet, Williamindenture
38Brunett, Williamindenture
190Bunch, Jamesdeed of trust
190Bunch, Johnwitness
58Burnett, J. S.witness
106Burres, Elijahindenture
106Burres, Pollyindenture
171Burress, James A.deed of trust
158Burton, Watsonreference
192Butcher, Samuelreference
87Butler, Eliasrelinquishment
87Butler, Jacobreference
23Butler, William M.indenture
88Butler, William R.witness
24Butler, Wm. M.deed of trust
74Byers, Davidwitness
9Canada, Jackson J.indenture
140Canada, Jackson J.indenture
154Canada, Jackson J.indenture
60Carden, Adeed of trust
129Carden, H Switness
42Carrell, Martinindenture
92Carroll, Drewrywitness
47Carroll, Johnindenture
129Carroll, Motinreference
22Cary, Williamclerk
31Chancellor, Carolineindenture
52Chancellor, Carolineindenture
52Chancellor, Henryindenture
31Chancelor, Henryindenture
145Chapman, Samuel H.witness
147Chapman, Samuel M.indenture
166Chesshur, Prisly Sdeed of trust
62Chiles, Henrywitness
75Chiles, Henrywitness
111Chiles, Henrywitness
184Chiles, Henrywitness
31Clapier, Lewisdeceased
52Clapier, Lewisreference
31Clapier, Maryindenture
52Clapier, Maryindenture
52Clapier, Theresa A.indenture
31Clapier, thereseaindenture
60Clar, Peterreference
185Clardy, Jamesdeed of trust
186Clear, C.witness
187Clear, C.witness
187Clear, Peterwitness
138Coleman, Archerdeed of trust
138Coleman, Oscar S.deed of trust
138Coleman, Peggydeed of trust
155Condrd, Isaacwitness
93Cooper, Jamesreference
93Cooper, Johnreference
188Cooper, Peterindenture
145Cooper, Samuelindenture
147Cooper, Samuelindenture
168Cooper, Wm. J.witness
55Corday, Jamesindenture
31Core, Edward Jamesindenture
52Core, Edward Jamesindenture
31Core, Mary D.indenture
52Core, Mary D.indenture
104Cortney, Johnreference
58Courtney, Johndeed of trust
122Courtney, Johnwitness
193Courtney, Johnindenture
25Cox, Johnwitness
30Cox, Johnindenture
94Cox, Johnwitness
106Cox, Johnindenture
120Cox, Johnindenture
94Cox, John B. Jr.witness
184Cox, Richarddeed of trust
184Cox, Samuelwitness
69Crage, Davidreference
127Cravens, Minedaindenture
48Crews, Jamesreference
144Crosier, Jno. H.witness
61Cross, Alfredwitness
109Cross, Elijahreference
49Cross, Janewitness
51Cross, Janewitness
53Cross, Johndeed
54Cross, Johnindenture
111Cross, Johnwitness
132Cross, Johnmortgage
109Cross, Williamdeed
165Crozier, A. T.witness
14Crozier, Arthurdeed
65Cuallen, Johnwitness
13Cummings, Robert E.reference
59Dail, Williamwitness
141Dail, Williamwitness
189Dale, Williamreference
17Daniel, Alferdindenture
17Daniel, Alferdindenture
81Daniel, Alferdindenture
79Daniel, Pollyindenture
81Daniel, Pollyindenture
79Dannel, Alfredindenture
22David, Sampsonreference
62Davidson, Samuelwitness
63Davidson, Samuel C.witness
62Davidson, Williamindenture
174Davidson, Williamreference
175Davidson, Williamreference
176Davidson, Williamindenture
178Davidson, Williamindenture
52Davis, Hughreference
59Davis, James S.witness
126Davis, James S.deed of trust
141Davis, James S.witness
148Davis, James S.reference
149Davis, James S.reference
155Davis, James S.deed of trust
159Davis, Thomaswitness
164Davis, Thomaswitness
170Desney, Elishawitness
86Dew, Davidindenture
133Dew, Davidwitness
86Dew, Janereference
133Dew, R.witness
86Dew, Walaceindenture
86Dew, Williamindenture
64Dikes, Jamesdeed
71Disney, Johnreference
142Doherty, Georgereference
172Donalson, Stockleyreference
82Donoldson, Stokleyreference
195Doughaty, Noahwitness
196Doughaty, Noahwitness
66Doughety, Danielreference
68Doughety, Danielreference
47Doughety, Solomonwitness
190Doughrty, Danieldeed of trust
111Due, Wallaceforced land sale
171Duncan, Alfreddeed of trust
169Duncan, Jamesdeed of trust
100Duncan, Williamreference
2Dunn, Samuelattorney
174Durham, Johnindenture
175Durham, Johnindenture
176Durham, Johnindenture
178Durham, Johnindenture
115Dycks, Thomasindenture
117Dycks, Thomasindenture
117Dykes, Jameswitness
141Edmundson, John R.witness
124England, Alfredreference
125England, Andrewbill of sale
169England, Andrewwitness
125England, Josephbill of sale
109England, Titusdeed
64Epperson, Jamesreference
141Epperson, Jamesindenture
189Epperson, Jamesreference
16Epps, Williamwitness
75Erwin, Wade H.deed of trust
71Evans, William W.deed
58Farmer, Henryreference
130Farmer, Henrywitness
134Farmer, Johnwitness
135Farmer, Johnwitness
58Farmer, Lukereference
135Farmer, Nathan  reference
125Farmer, Nathan A.witness
83Fax, Isaacindenture
101Fieldin, Jameswitness
76Firaby, Solomonwitness
118Fleming, Robt. N.witness
71Foster, Robertwitness
64Foust, Charlescourt case
64Foust, Daniel Sr.court case
189Fraker, G. W.witness
158Fraker, George W.indenture
97Frazer, Johnwitness
103Frazer, Johnwitness
130Frazer, Johnwitness
131Frazier, Johnwitness
104Freelr, Wm.reference
37Freels, Edwardwitness
134Freels, Isaac Wwitness
135Freels, Isaac Wwitness
184Freels, William S.reference
116Freels, Wm. S.witness
103Freeman, Lewisreference
67Frost, Elijahreference
1Funk, Elizabethindenture
1Funk, Samuelindenture
116Galbraith, Alexanderdeed of trust
121Galbraith, Alexander Jr.deed of trust
121Galbraith, Alexander L.witness
121Galbraith, Alexander Srdeed of trust
122Galbraith, Alexander Srindenture
104Galbraith, R.  reference
95Galbraith, R. A.witness
96Galbraith, R. A.witness
122Galbraith, Robertreference
116Galbraith, Williamdeed of trust
121Galbraith, William W.witness
23Galbraith, Wm.witness
24Galbraith, Wm.witness
95Galbraith, Wm.witness
96Galbraith, Wm.witness
160Galbreath, Robertindenture
160Galbreath, Williamindenture
142Gamble, Johnindenture
128Gamble, Williamindenture
73Gammon, George B.witness
48Garner, Hughwitness
48Garner, Johndeed of trust
51Garner, Johndeed of trust
120Garner, Johnwitness
48Garner, John Jr.witness
120Garner, R. H.witness
14Garratt, Williamwitness
27Gibbs, Annabill of sale
71Gibbs, Anna E.indenture
84Gibbs, Anne E.bill of sale
89Gibbs, Anne E.bill of sale
191Gibbs, Anne E.bill of sale
27Gibbs, Johnbill of sale
71Gibbs, Johndeed
82Gibbs, Johnwitness
89Gibbs, Johnbill of sale
133Gibbs, Johnreference
191Gibbs, Johnbill of sale
71Gibbs, William H.indenture
84Gibbs, William H.bill of sale
89Gibbs, William H.bill of sale
191Gibbs, William H.bill of sale
27Gibbs, Wm. Hbill of sale
139Goans, J. R.witness
126Goen, Williamdeed of trust
46Goldson, Johndeed
118Goldson, Johndeed of trust
185Goldston, Johnwitness
109Goldston, Reubenreference
105Goldston, Williamindenture
47Goodman, Johnindenture
3Goss, Johndecree
55Gray, Enochwitness
137Greenfield, Williamindenture
162Greenfield, Williamforced land sale
115Griffin, Jamesindenture
117Griffin, Jamesindenture
104Griffith, William C.reference
55Gross, Isaacwitness
101Guynn, William Jwitness
104Hacker, Larkinreference
29Hackny, Benjaminwitness
194Haglar, Abrahamreference
194Haglar, Johnindenture
155Hall, Daviddeed of trust
48Hall, David Jr.reference
50Hall, David Jr.deed of trust
49Hall, Jamesdeed of trust
155Hall, Jameswitness
155Hall, Richardreference
188Handley, Jordanwitness
91Hansard, Archilus B.poa
91Hansard, Johnreference
3Hansard, Williamdecree
38Harbison, William W.indenture
181Hardin, Tollisonreference
156Harrell, A. Willywitness
133Hart, Natreference
188Hatmaker, Williswitness
22Hays, Batsonwitness
58Hemler, Henrywitness
118Hemler, Hilarywitness
119Hemler, Hilarywitness
137Henderson, Allenindenture
185Henderson, Jessedeed of trust
51Henderson, Mitthelwitness
51Hendrik, Aaron W.reference
120Henry, Jamesreference
91Hensley, R.reference
143Herrel, Arthur W.indenture
143Herrel, Janeindenture
107Herrington, Elishareference
153Hill, Richardwitness
34Hill, Williamwitness
35Hill, Williamwitness
46Hillsman, Johnreference
94Hillsman, Mathewindenture
76Hilton, Enos B.witness
146Hogshead, Williamwitness
194Horn, Thomasreference
185Horton, Elizabethreference
125Hoskins, Georgewitness
183Hoskins, George W.constable
73Hossler, Michaelindenture
14Houston, Mathew Mclerk
101Hudson, Thomasreference
62Huntsman, Adamreference
27Ingram, Thomasbill of sale
84Ingram, Thomasbill of sale
89Ingram, Thomasbill of sale
145Ingram, Thomasindenture
191Ingram, Thomasbill of sale
82Irwin, Johnwitness
113Irwin, Johnindenture
97Jackson, Claibornreference
173Jackson, Claibournreference
101Jackson, Miltonindenture
4Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
5Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
6Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
7Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
8Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
9Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
10Jarnagin, Chesleywitness
4Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
5Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
6Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
7Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
8Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
9Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
10Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
28Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
29Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
56Jarnagin, Jeremiahindenture
3Jarnagin, Johndeed
4Jarnagin, Johnindenture
5Jarnagin, Johnindenture
6Jarnagin, Johnindenture
7Jarnagin, Johnindenture
8Jarnagin, Johnindenture
9Jarnagin, Johnindenture
10Jarnagin, Johnindenture
11Jarnagin, Johnindenture
28Jarnagin, Johnindenture
29Jarnagin, Johnindenture
30Jarnagin, Johnwitness
56Jarnagin, Johnindenture
72Jarnagin, Johnwitness
91Jarnagin, Johnwitness
93Jarnagin, Johnwitness
138Jarnagin, Johndeed of trust
139Jarnagin, Johnwitness
140Jarnagin, Johnindenture
154Jarnagin, Johnindenture
161Jarnagin, Johnwitness
181Jarnagin, Johnwitness
183Jarnagin, Johnwitness
189Jarnagin, Johndeed of trust
123Jeffery, Josephreference
61Jeffrey, Josephreference
6Johnson, Burkreference
34Johnson, C Switness
35Johnson, C Switness
162Johnson, C. S.witness
171Johnson, Gilbertwitness
172Johnson, Kinzaindenture
172Johnson, Markindenture
100Johnson, Peterindenture
86Johnson, Stephen H.witness
94Johnson, Stephen H.indenture
107Johnson, Stephen H.witness
128Jones, Hermlesreference
104Jones, Jamesreference
169Jones, Jesse L.witness
173Jones, Johnreference
128Jones, Thomasreference
60Jones, Williamdeed of trust
39Keeney, John L.witness
40Keeney, Joseph Sr.indenture
40Keeney, Michaelwitness
40Keeney, Williamindenture
170Keeny, Michaelwitness
139Keibler, Johnindenture
75Keith, G. W.witness
190Keith, Gabrielreference
15Keith, George Wdeed
42Keith, Johnwitness
43Keith, Johnwitness
44Keith, Johnwitness
45Keith, Johnwitness
69Keith, Samuelwitness
109Keith, Spencerreference
192Keller, Christianindenture
92Kenady, Madisonindenture
18Kenedy, Madisonwitness
19Kenedy, Madisonwitness
20Kenedy, Madisonwitness
21Kenedy, Madisonwitness
47Kenedy, Martinwitness
159Kenedy, Martinwitness
164Kenedy, Martinwitness
136Key, Davidindenture
124Key, Isaac Mwitness
124Key, James Wwitness
98Key, Johnwitness
99Key, Johnwitness
100Key, Johnwitness
124Key, Johndeed of trust
173Kincaid, Clinganwitness
177Kincaid, Clinganwitness
75Kincaid, J. M.deed of trust
173Kincaid, J. M.deed of trust
175Kincaid, J. M.indenture
177Kincaid, J. M.indenture
177Kincaid, William G.indenture
134King, Williamindenture
135King, Williamindenture
58Kirkpatick, Artherreference
96Kirkpatrick, Alexander Adeed
160Kirkpatrick, Alexander Aattorney
160Kirkpatrick, Artherindenture
95Kirkpatrick, Arthurindenture
96Kirkpatrick, Arthurdeed
104Kirkpatrick, Arthurforced land sale
161Kirkpatrick, Arthurindenture
170Kirkpatrick, Jamesdeed
171Kirkpatrick, Jamesdeed
160Kirkpatrick, Permeliaindenture
146Lamar, Anna E.indenture
111Lamar, Charlesforced land sale
126Lamar, H. B.reference
152Lamar, Hugh B.reference
148Lamar, J. B.witness
149Lamar, J. B.witness
155Lamar, J. B.witness
155Lamar, Jamesdeed of trust
86Lamar, Janereference
111Lamar, John Mforced land sale
165Lamar, John Mindenture
111Lamar, Pollyforced land sale
72Lamar, Thomas Jindenture
146Lamar, Thomas Jindenture
86Lamar, Williamreference
111Lamar, Williamforced land sale
146Lamar, Williamreference
25Lamare, Jameswitness
25Lamare, Pollyreference
78Laughary, Jameswitness
80Laughary, Jameswitness
85Laughary, Jameswitness
90Laughary, Jameswitness
180Laughary, Jamesindenture
130Lea, H. H.witness
2Leach, Calvinwitness
46Leach, Calvinwitness
162Leach, Calvinsheriff
183Leach, Calvinsheriff
40Leach, Williamwitness
118Leath, Willisreference
119Lee, Espyindenture
2Leib, Barbaraindenture
2Leib, Danielindenture
3Leib, John Sr.deed
39Leinard, Charles A.indenture
39Leinard, Jacobindenture
180Leinard, Jacobindenture
17Leinard, Johnguardian
85Leinard, Johnguardian
90Leinard, Johnguardian
180Leinard, Johnindenture
70Leinart, Charles A.witness
70Leinart, Johnwitness
77Leinart, Johnguardian
108Leinart, Johnwitness
112Leinart, Johndeed
170Leinart, Johndeed
170Leinart, Johndeed
182Leinart, Johndeed of trust
196Leinart, Johndeed of trust
65Lenant, Johnwitness
181Lett, Janeindenture
181Lett, Johnindenture
77Lewallen, Charlesindenture
77Lewallen, Janeindenture
77Lewallen, Johnindenture
77Lewallen, Nancyindenture
182Linart, Jacob Jr.reference
182Linart, Jacob Sr.reference
78Linart, Johnguardian
80Linart, Johnguardian
195Linart, Johndeed of trust
82Linebaugh, Danielindenture
102Lively, Johnindenture
48Long, Isaacreference
179Longmire, R. M.witness
28Love, Johnwitness
57Lovedy, Charleswitness
55Lovedy, William R.reference
57Lovedy, William R.indenture
22Lovely, William Rindenture
99Low, Philipindenture
110Loy, Jacobwitness
167Loy, Jacobwitness
110Loy, Johnreference
166Loy, Johnreference
113Loy, William Jr.witness
29Loy, Wmwitness
17Luallen, Charlesindenture
78Luallen, Charlesindenture
80Luallen, Charlesindenture
85Luallen, Charlesindenture
90Luallen, Charlesindenture
144Luallen, Charlesreference
77Luallen, Elizabethindenture
78Luallen, Elizabethindenture
80Luallen, Elizabethindenture
85Luallen, Elizabethindenture
90Luallen, Elizabethindenture
78Luallen, Janeindenture
79Luallen, Janeindenture
80Luallen, Janeindenture
85Luallen, Janeindenture
90Luallen, Janeindenture
143Luallen, Janereference
17Luallen, Johnindenture
78Luallen, Johnindenture
78Luallen, Johnindenture
79Luallen, Johnindenture
80Luallen, Johnindenture
81Luallen, Johnindenture
85Luallen, Johnindenture
90Luallen, Johnindenture
143Luallen, Johnreference
156Luallen, Johnindenture
17Luallen, Nancyreference
78Luallen, Nancyindenture
80Luallen, Nancyindenture
85Luallen, Nancyindenture
90Luallen, Nancyindenture
143Luallen, Nancyreference
144Luallen, Nancyreference
156Luallen, Nancyreference
17Luallen, Pollyindenture
79Luallen, Pollyindenture
81Luallen, Pollyindenture
144Luallen, Richardreference
1Luallen, Richard Battorney
49Lucy, Johnreference
161Lusallen, Johnindenture
67Maberry, Michaelreference
64Mabry, Caswellwitness
192Malone, Richardindenture
23Manley, Ansilreference
18Marlow, Thomasindenture
20Marlow, Thomaswitness
21Marlow, Thomasindenture
52Marney, William B.
147Marshall, Hardy F.witness
145Marshall, Markreference
147Marshall, Markreference
145Marshall, Richardreference
138Martin, Hardy F.witness
42Masingale, Jamesreference
43Masingale, Williamindenture
43Masingale, Williamindenture
44Masingale, Williamindenture
45Masingale, Williamindenture
69Massengale, Willaimwitness
98Massengale, Willaimindenture
170Massingill, Nicholasdeed
170Massongale, Nicholasdeed
1McAdoo, Johnwitness
13McAdoo, Johnreference
27McAdoo, Johnbill of sale
72McAdoo, Johnwitness
84McAdoo, Johnbill of sale
93McAdoo, Johnwitness
189McAdoo, Johnwitness
191McAdoo, Johnbill of sale
28McAdoo, Wm. Gwitness
58McAmis, D. C.deed of trust
73McAmis, D. C.witness
160McAmis, D. C.witness
118McCamis, David C.deed
162McClain, Josephforced land sale
62McClellan, Johnreference
3McClung, Charlesdeed
42McCoy, Allenwitness
129McCoy, Allenreference
165McIntire, Johnreference
26Mckamey, Bartonsale of negros
26McKamey, Elizabethsale of negros
26Mckamey, John Asale of negros
26Mckamey, Peggy of negros
13Mckamey, Robertindenture
14Mckamey, Robertdeed
26Mckamey, Robertsale of negros
118Mckamey, Robertreference
153Mckamey, Robertdeed of trust
26Mckamey, Williamsale of negros
23Mckamy, Andrewindenture
24Mckamy, Andrewreference
102Mckamy, Andrewwitness
168Mckamy, Andrewbill of sale
93McKamy, Bartonreference
182McKamy, Bartonreference
23Mckamy, J. C.witness
24Mckamy, John C.deed of trust
102Mckamy, John C.indenture
168Mckamy, John C.bill of sale
30McKamy, Robertindenture
46McKamy, Robertreference
64McKamy, Robertsheriff
93McKamy, Robertindenture
108McKamy, Robertsheriff
111McKamy, Robertsheriff
128McKamy, Robertwitness
169McKamy, Robertreference
93McKamy, Williamreference
137McVey, Jameswitness
82Medlin, Richardreference
82Medlin, Robertreference
82Medlin, Williamreference
3Miller, Gavindeed
13Miller, Isaacwitness
113Miller, Isaacindenture
129Miller, Isaacwitness
166Miller, Isaacwitness
157Miller, Jacobwitness
3Miller, Jamesdeed
3Miller, Johndeed
13Miller, Johnwitness
157Miller, Johnbill of sale
11Miller, Lewisreference
13Miller, Lewisindenture
28Miller, Lewisindenture
29Miller, Lewisindenture
166Miller, Lewisreference
3Miller, Lindleydeed
3Miller, Lucydeed
3Miller, Marthadeed
3Miller, Mastendeed
157Miller, Rufuswitness
110Mitchell, John B.witness
113Mitchell, John B.witness
166Mitchell, John B.witness
33Moore, Austinreference
111Moore, Austindeed
115Moore, Austinwitness
117Moore, Austinwitness
148Moore, Austindeed of trust
149Moore, Austindeed of trust
189Moore, Austinreference
32Moore, Georgedeed
33Moore, Georgedeed
59Moore, Jamesdeed
141Moore, Jamesindenture
148Moore, Jamesdeed of trust
149Moore, Jamesdeed of trust
189Moore, Jamesdeed of trust
152Moore, Jos. C.reference
32Moore, Josephwitness
33Moore, Josephwitness
64Moore, Joseph C.reference
108Moore, Joseph C.forced land sale
108Moore, Joseph C.deed
112Moore, Joseph C.deed
158Moore, Joseph C.witness
170Moore, Joseph C.deed
170Moore, Joseph C.deed
180Moore, Joseph C.witness
130Moore, Lazrusindenture
131Moore, Lazrusindenture
32Moore, Lemueldeed
33Moore, Lemueldeed
1Moore, Samuelwitness
104Moore, Samuelindenture
108Moore, Samuelforced land sale
112Moore, Samuelwitness
148Moore, Samuelwitness
149Moore, Samuelwitness
171Moore, Samuelreference
33Moore, Susannahreference
184Morgan, Wmreference
52Morris, Charlesindenture
52Morris, Dorotheaindenture
50Morris, J. H.witness
49Morris, Jamesreference
49Morris, Josephdeed of trust
50Morris, Josephdeed of trust
51Morris, Josephdeed of trust
162Moss, Arnoldreference
88Nail, Numywitness
55Neal, Pollyindenture
131Nickle, Johnwitness
15Noel, Jameswitness
104Noel, Jamesreference
130Noel, Jamesindenture
104Noel, Jesseforced land sale
145Norman, C.reference
31Norris, Chas.indenture
31Norris, Dorothaindenture
42Norton, Jamesreference
129Norton, Jamesindenture
31Oaks, Isaacwitness
52Oaks, Isaacwitness
31Oaks, Josephindenture
52Oaks, Josephreference
104Oliver, C. Y.witness
137Oliver, C. Y.witness
151Oliver, C. Y.witness
160Oliver, C. Y.witness
163Oliver, C. Y.witness
185Oliver, C. Y.witness
96Oliver, Charles Y.deed of trust
159Oliver, Charles Y.sheriff
160Oliver, Charles Y.reference
162Oliver, Charles Y.sheriff
135Oliver, Douglas  reference
96Oliver, Douglas Sr.deed of trust
160Oliver, Douglas Sr.reference
163Oliver, Douglas Sr.indenture
163Oliver, J. M.witness
140Oliver, M Awitness
154Oliver, M. A.witness
10Oliver, RichardSheriff
11Oliver, RichardSheriff
46Oliver, Richardreference
87Oliver, Richardrelinquishment
109Oliver, Richarddeed
116Oliver, Richardwitness
118Oliver, Richardreference
162Oliver, Richardsheriff
163Oliver, Richardindenture
194Oliver, Richardwitness
50Oliver, Williamreference
109Oliver, Williamwitness
184Oliver, Williamdeed of trust
97Oliver, Williamwitness
58Olvier, Richardreference
141Overton, Alfredwitness
141Overton, Jameswitness
148Overton, Jamesreference
189Overton, Jamesreference
64Overton, Josephreference
148Overton, Josephreference
189Overton, Josephreference
140Owen, R. G.witness
152Owen, R. G. W.witness
154Owen, R. G. W.witness
8Owen, Richard G. Windenture
16Owen, Richard G. W.bill of sale
97Parker, Charles W.deed of trust
103Parker, Charles W.witness
136Parks, Josephreference
137Parks, Josephreference
62Parsons, Margaretindenture
62Parsons, Thomasindenture
196Paterson, Englisreference
190Patterson, Clarkwitness
66Patterson, Williamreference
190Patterson, Williamreference
172Payne, Claibournwitness
194Peak, Lukeindenture
194Peak, Wm.witness
104Peteas, Johnreference
184Peters, Henryreference
15Peters, John W.indenture
15Peters, Thomasreference
136Peters, Tobiasreference
15Peters, Wilbernindenture
173Petterson, Johnwitness
164Phillips, Isaacindenture
190Phillips, Isaacreference
159Phillips, J Saulindenture
19Phillips, Johnwitness
20Phillips, Johnwitness
21Phillips, Johnwitness
159Phillips, Williamindenture
164Phillips, Williamindenture
186Pile, Henryindenture
187Pile, Henryindenture
186Pile, Jacobwitness
187Pile, Jacobindenture
83Piles, Williamindenture
174Pittman, Johnwitness
175Pittman, Johnwitness
176Pittman, Johnwitness
177Pittman, Johnwitness
178Pittman, Johnwitness
36Poore, Peterwitness
17Pratt, John Wclerk
183Preston, John M.forced land sale
123Preston, William G.witness
137Price, Isaac Wwitness
121Pryor, Harrisreference
137Quales, Abrahamwitness
56Queener, Grandisonindenture
127Queener, Johnindenture
170Queener, Thomaswitness
22Qusener, Thomaswitness
31Ramsey, W. B.
144Ramsey, William B. A.clerk
166Ramsey, William B. A.reference
120Reagan, Elizabethreference
120Reagan, Janeindenture
120Reagan, Leahindenture
120Reagan, Williamindenture
48Reagon, Elizabethreference
93Reeney, Josephreference
91Reynolds, Robert B.witness
34Rhea, Eliindenture
35Rhea, Eliindenture
34Rhea, Jinnyindenture
35Rhea, Jinnyindenture
165Rhea, Johnreference
182Rich, Robertwitness
66Rich, Saberetwitness
67Rich, Saberetwitness
70Rich, Saberetindenture
42Rich, Sabertwitness
43Rich, Sabertwitness
44Rich, Sabertwitness
45Rich, Sabertwitness
161Rich, Sabertindenture
182Rich, Sabertreference
65Rich, Sabionindenture
42Rich, Williamindenture
43Rich, Williamindenture
44Rich, Williamindenture
45Rich, Williamindenture
183Richardson, Davidindenture
193Richardson, Johnindenture
22Richardson, Williamindenture
183Richardson, Williamforced land sale
116Right, Henryreference
196Ritch, Williamreference
26Robbins, Samuel Wwitness
26Robbins, Williamwitness
96Roberts, Colinsreference
160Roberts, Colinsreference
162Roberts, Collinsforced land sale
163Roberts, Collinsreference
36Robertson, Jameswitness
133Robins, Samuelindenture
172Robins, Williamreference
180Robins, Williamwitness
144Rodgers, S. R.witness
62Rogers, John A.reference
138Rogers, Samuel R.deed of trust
38Romines, Jeremiahwitness
41Romines, Jeremiahreference
80Ross, J.witness
112Ross, J.witness
143Ross, J. S.witness
56Ross, Jamesreference
77Ross, Jamesindenture
90Ross, Jameswitness
96Ross, Jamesreference
143Ross, Jamesindenture
144Ross, Jamesindenture
152Ross, Jamesreference
156Ross, Jamesindenture
160Ross, Jamesindenture
170Ross, Jamesdeed
171Ross, Jamesreference
77Ross, John S.witness
156Ross, John S.witness
48Roup, Johndeed of trust
96Russel, Williamreference
160Russell, Williamreference
60Rutherford, Nreference
188Savage, Elishaindenture
188Savage, Roddawitness
15Scarborough, Jonathanreference
97Scarbrough, Jonathandeed of trust
109Scarbrough, Jonathanreference
107Scruggs, Johnwitness
2Seiber, Johnwitness
65Seiber, Johnindenture
66Seiber, Johnindenture
67Seiber, Johnindenture
68Seiber, Johnindenture
70Seiber, Johnindenture
98Seiber, Johnwitness
99Seiber, Johnwitness
173Seiber, Johndeed of trust
174Seiber, Johnwitness
175Seiber, Johnwitness
176Seiber, Johnwitness
146Severs, Hillwitness
16Severs, Hugh M.witness
27Severs, Hugh M.witness
30Severs, Hugh M.witness
56Severs, Hugh M.witness
64Severs, Hugh M.witness
84Severs, Hugh M.witness
89Severs, Hugh M.witness
152Severs, Hugh M.reference
7Severs, Hugh, Mindenture
144Severs, Williamreference
158Severs, Williamindenture
174Shannon, Henryindenture
49Shannon, Westleywitness
50Shannon, Westleywitness
166Sharp, Alfredwitness
167Sharp, Caswellindenture
36Sharp, Coonradindenture
114Sharp, Eliindenture
91Sharp, Jacobpoa
12Sharp, Johnreference
114Sharp, Williamwitness
167Sharp, Williamwitness
82Sharp, William  indenture
53Sharp, William D.deed
54Sharp, William D.indenture
139Sharp, William D.indenture
136Shelton, Williamindenture
162Shelton, Williamreference
39Shinlever, F.witness
182Shinsivers, Danielreference
195Shurst, Elijah Awitness
182Sieber, Johndeed of trust
195Sieber, Johndeed of trust
196Sieber, Johndeed of trust
124Sieber, Josephdeed of trust
102Sieber, Philipwitness
168Sieber, Philipwitness
178Sieber, Philipwitness
124Sieber, Robertreference
32Slover, Aaronwitness
33Slover, Aaronwitness
112Slover, Aaron Sr.reference
171Slover, Aaron Sr.witness
181Slover, Aaron Sr.witness
143Slover, C. M.witness
77Slover, Pleasantwitness
108Slover, Pleasantwitness
100Smith, B.witness
74Smith, William Breference
105Smith, William Bindenture
185Smith, William Breference
83Snoterley, Henrywitness
38Snoterly, Danielreference
41Snotterley, Danielindenture
2Spessard, Johnindenture
34Spessard, Johnreference
35Spessard, Johnindenture
2Spessard, Michaelindenture
34Spessard, Michaelindenture
35Spessard, Michaelindenture
127Spessard, Michaelwitness
162Spessard, Michaelwitness
1Spessard, Micharelindenture
182Spessard, Wm. Switness
46Spissard, Michaelwitness
185Stewart, Andrewreference
186Still, Jamesindenture
196Stincepher, Danielreference
196Stincepher, Jessewitness
195Stine Cipher, Danielreference
195Stine Cipher, Jessewitness
172Stout, Josephwitness
37Stukerberry, Josephindenture
83Stukesberry, Robertwitness
138Summers, Georgewitness
138Talley, Willis W.deed of trust
183Tally, Willis Wwitness
165Tate, M. P.witness
185Tate, Miltonreference
126Tates, Miltonwitness
158Taylor, Johnwitness
15Teller, Jameswitness
119Thompson, Johnreference
157Thompson, Jonathanbill of sale
119Thompson, Marthaindenture
76Tiliary, Richard M.reference
103Tiller, Elizabethindenture
131Tiller, Elizabethindenture
74Tiller, Jamesdeed of trust
114Tilmon, Tobiasindenture
31Tindell, Henryreference
52Tindell, Henryreference
128Tovery, Johnindenture
74Tovra, Johnreference
61Tunnell, J. C.reference
123Tunnell, J. W.witness
61Tunnell, Jesse W.indenture
61Tunnell, Johnreference
122Tunnell, Johnwitness
123Tunnell, Johnreference
123Tunnell, John C.indenture
136Tunnell, Samuelwitness
61Tunnell, Williamreference
123Tunnell, Williamreference
136Tunnell, Williamwitness
137Tunnell, Williamwitness
185Tunnell, Williamreference
193Turnell, Williamwitness
192Turner, Alexanderwitness
31Turner, Jameswitness
192Turner, James Wwitness
38Turner, James W.witness
41Turner, James W.witness
52Turner, James W.witness
193Turner, Jessewitness
52Turner, Johnreference
192Turner, Johnreference
78Vandgrift, Johnwitness
85Vandgrift, Johnwitness
93Vandgrift, Johnindenture
109Viles, Henrywitness
72Wade, Anna Eindenture
146Wade, Anna Eindenture
72Wade, Crocketindenture
126Wade, Crocketreference
146Wade, Crocketindenture
152Wade, Danieldeed of trust
12Walker, Williamindenture
12Wall, Josephreference
12Wallace, Jamesindenture
71Wallace, Jameswitness
133Wallace, Jamesindenture
71Wallace, Johnwitness
179Wallace, Johnindenture
179Wallace, Leviindenture
60Wallace, Rob.reference
65Wallen, Johnreference
18Ward, Benjaminindenture
20Ward, Benjaminindenture
21Ward, Benjaminindenture
19Ward, Benjaminindenture
19Ward, Michaelwitness
20Ward, Michaelindenture
21Ward, Michaelreference
19Ward, Williamindenture
21Ward, Williamreference
21Ward, Williamwitness
18Ward, Wm.witness
10Wate, Mittonindenture
25Weaver, Benjaminindenture
64Weaver, Benjamincourt case
155Weaver, Benjaminreference
101Weaver, Johnindenture
181Weaver, Williamindenture
187Weaver, Williamindenture
170Webb, Georgewitness
34Webb, Williamindenture
35Webb, Williamindenture
160Wells, Jamesindenture
160Wells, Rosannah Lindenture
10Wheeler, Thomas Jwitness
77White, Jacobwitness
12Whitson, Johnwitness
14Whitson, Johndeed
27Whitson, Johnbill of sale
46Whitson, Johndeed
82Whitson, Johnwitness
84Whitson, Johnbill of sale
89Whitson, Johnbill of sale
104Whitson, Johnwitness
118Whitson, Johndeed
127Whitson, Johnwitness
191Whitson, Johnbill of sale
13Whitson, John  indenture
27Whitson, John Gwitness
152Whitson, John Gdeed of trust
12Whitson, John G.witness
37Whitson, John G.witness
84Whitson, John G.witness
89Whitson, John G.witness
126Whitson, John G.witness
160Whitson, John G.witness
161Whitson, John G.witness
160Whitson, W. H.witness
152Whitson, Wm. H.witness
118Whitteberry, G.reference
46Whitterbery, G.reference
64Williams, Alexanderreference
60Williams, D. D.witness
123Williams, Emerineindenture
134Williams, Frederickindenture
135Williams, Frederickindenture
66Williams, John Jreference
68Williams, John Jreference
160Williams, Josephreference
23Williams, Reubenreference
115Williams, Samuelwitness
27Williams, Squirebill of sale
84Williams, Squirebill of sale
89Williams, Squirebill of sale
191Williams, Squirebill of sale
123Williams, Williamindenture
4Williamson, Mahalawitness
5Williamson, Mahalawitness
6Williamson, Mahalawitness
7Williamson, Mahalawitness
8Williamson, Mahalawitness
9Williamson, Mahalawitness
55Wilson, Abrahamreference
37Wilson, Amosindenture
37Wilson, Amosindenture
42Wilson, Amosindenture
110Wilson, Amosreference
129Wilson, Amosindenture
166Wilson, Amosreference
36Wilson, Augustusindenture
110Wilson, Augustusindenture
166Wilson, Augustusreference
17Wilson, Johnwitness
37Wilson, Johnindenture
37Wilson, Johnindenture
79Wilson, Johnwitness
81Wilson, Johnwitness
110Wilson, Johnindenture
147Wilson, Johnwitness
166Wilson, Johndeed of trust
167Wilson, Johnindenture
57Wilson, Leviwitness
51Winton, Georgereference
119Winton, Georgereference
150Wolfenbarger, Andrewwitness
151Wolfenbarger, Andrewindenture
150Wolfenbarger, Samuelindenture
100Wood, Jamesindenture
130Worthington, W.reference
145Wouelfenbargar, Andrewwitness
73Wright, Williamindenture
126Yarnell, Danielreference
59Yoark, Annydeed
59Yoark, Johndeed
105Young, James H.witness
136Young, Robertreference
137Young, Robertreference
53Young, Samuel Cwitness
54Young, Samuel Cwitness
86Young, Samuel Cwitness
92Young, Samuel Cindenture
98Young, Samuel Cindenture
99Young, Samuel Cindenture
105Young, Samuel Cwitness
53Young, Wilie J.witness
54Young, Wilie J.witness
Ancestry US

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