Anderson County Deed Index: 1847-1849

Ancestry US

Anderson County Deed index provides a full index of all people named in Anderson County, Tennessee deeds for the years of 1847 – 1849 as found in volume N, Register of Deeds. These deeds were microfilmed by the Tennessee State Archives on roll #31.

10Adkins, Calvinindenture1848
94Adkins, Calvinindenture1849
95Adkins, Calvinindenture1849
182Adkins, Elijah  indenture1845
33Adkins, Elijah & Pollyindenture1848
1Adkins, Leviindenture1848
16Allred, Solomonindenture1844
8Alton, Spencerindenture1847
56Andrews, Richardindenture1848
58Ashert, Milleydeed of gift1848
171Atkins, Elijahforced land sale1844
74Ayers, Josephindenture1847
126Bailey, Williambill of sale1849
3Baker, Henryindenture1848
61Baker, Johnforced land sale1848
73Baker, Johnindenture1848
81Ballard, Stephendeed1848
152Bays, Joeldeed1849
49Black, Josephindenture1848
154Black, Josephindenture1849
172Black, Josephbond1849
51Boling, Hugh B.indenture1848
133Boling, Stokely D & Hugh Bindenture1847
113Bonham, James S.deed1849
140Bonham, James S.indenture1849
141Bonham, James S.indenture1849
92Bonham, Jas. S.indenture1849
93Bonham, Jas. S.indenture1849
156Bonham, Manly P.indenture1849
40Bookout, Lavina (Moore) & William Epower of attorney1848
135Bowling, H. B.deed of trust1849
98Bowling, Hugh B.indenture1848
180Braden, Johnindenture1849
162Bradley, Burwell Bindenture1849
104Bradly, Drury Ldeed of gift1849
70Bradshaw, Josephindenture1848
77Brock, Obadiahindenture1848
87Brooks, Thomasindenture1848
106Brooks, Thomasindenture1849
188Brooks, Thomasindenture1849
169Brown, Joseph A. G.indenture1849
169Brown, Maxwell & Isabellaindenture1849
85Brown, Thomasindenture1848
103Brown, Thomasindenture1849
37Burras, Hannah & Elizabethindenture1848
31Burras, Silasindenture1848
172Burt, Henry A.bond1849
202Butler, James M. & Calebbill of sale1849
204Butler, Richardpower of attorney1849
108Butler, William M.indenture1849
23Cardin, Johnindenture1848
17Chamber, Johnindenture1848
16Chambers, Johnindenture1844
151Chapman, Josiah F.indenture1849
155Chapman, Josiah F.indenture1849
49Chiles, John C.indenture1848
57Chiles, John C.deed1848
154Chiles, John C. & John (deceased)indenture1849
160Chiles, John C. & John (deceased)indenture1849
162Chiles, John C. & John (deceased)indenture1849
143Chiles, Rowlanddeed of trust1849
80Clapier, Lewisindenture1848
196Clapier, Lewisindenture1849
201Clardy, James & Fanneyindenture1849
114Clardy, Michaelindenture1846
115Clardy, Rebecca & Michael (deceased)indenture1846
72Collier, Hannahindenture1848
207Cooper, Lavina Lindenture1849
161Coward, Jamesindenture1849
95Coward, Thomasindenture1849
60Coward, William S.indenture1848
159Cox, John R.indenture1849
11Crawford, Harbard H.indenture1848
61Cross, Alfredsheriff1848
113Cross, Alfredobtained judgment1849
26Cross, Jesseindenture1848
30Cross, Jessedeed1848
66Cross, Johndeed of trust1848
8Crozier, John B.indenture1847
147Curnal, Elijahdeed1849
24Dale, Edeed1848
84Dale, Williamindenture1848
192Davis, Charlesindenture1849
5Davis, Jamesindenture1848
33Davis, James Sindenture1848
182Davis, James Sindenture1845
183Davis, James S & Catharine (Lamar)indenture1848
171Davis, James S.deed1844
135Davis, Samueldeed of trust1849
179Demarcus, Bennetindenture1849
194Dew, Andrew J.indenture1849
89Dew, Wallace & Jane (Lamar) & Davidindenture1848
139Disney, Elishaindenture1849
97Disney, John Srindenture1848
149Due, Rachelindenture1849
55Duncan, Johnindenture1848
157Duncan, Mosesindenture1849
61Dunkin, Mosessheriff1848
122Dunkin, Thomas & Johnbill of sale1849
84Dunn, Samuelindenture1848
199Dunn, Samuelindenture1849
117Eaton, Joseph P.deed1849
118Eaton, Joseph P.deed1849
84Edwards, E Cindenture1848
124Edwards, Edward C.indenture1849
41Estabrook, Josepharticle of agreement1848
184Esterbrook, Josephassignment1849
185Esterbrook, Josephindenture1849
116Farmer, Abner & Henryindenture1846
60Farmer, Henryindenture1848
90Farmer, Henrydeed1849
114Farmer, Henryindenture1846
115Farmer, Henryindenture1846
209Farmer, James & Tillitah (King)indenture1847
10Foster, Williamindenture1848
79Freels, Isaac F. & John A.deed of gift1848
101Freels, John A & Isaac Windenture1849
66Freeman, Bazzeal Ddeed of trust1848
156Galbraith, Alexanderindenture1849
59Galbraith, Samuel & John R.deed of gift1848
137Gallaher, Amos Hindenture1842
136Gallaher, John & Robert & David & Joseph Aindenture1842
138Gallaher, Williamindenture1844
99Gastin, Alexanderindenture1849
117Gibbs, William Hdeed1849
62Gillaspie, George Lindenture1848
61Gilmore, Samueldeed1848
76Guynn, Johnindenture1848
84Hackney, Benjamin Pindenture1848
164Hackney, Benjamin P.indenture1849
170Hackworth, Jesse & Lewisforced land sale1846
173Hackworth, William C& Lewisindenture1849
113Hale, Wilie B.forced land sale1849
18Hansard, Calvin B.bill of sale1848
56Harden, Josephindenture1848
127Hart, Daviddivision of land1849
131Hart, David & Edwinindenture1849
127Hart, Edwindivision of land1849
128Hart, Edwinindenture1849
129Hart, Edwinindenture1849
130Hart, Edwinindenture1847
132Hart, Edwin F.bill of sale1847
127Hart, Elizabethdivision of land1849
127Hart, Emalinedivision of land1849
127Hart, Evelinedivision of land1849
127Hart, John W.division of land1849
127Hart, Josephdivision of land1849
159Hart, Josephindenture1849
129Hart, Mary A. G.indenture1849
127Hart, Nancy Cdivision of land1849
127Hart, Polly G.division of land1849
127Hart, Thomas (heirs)division of land1849
61Harverson, William H.sheriff1848
21Hawkins, Edwarddeed  1848
109Henderson, Jessieindenture1849
61Hightower, Robert Mforced land sale1848
142Hillsman, Jamesindenture1849
73Hitch, Johnindenture1848
54Holloway, Henryindenture1848
92Holloway, Henryindenture1849
93Holloway, Henryindenture1849
113Holloway, Henryassignee1849
140Holloway, Henryindenture1849
141Holloway, Henryindenture1849
190Horton, Rebeccapower of attorney1849
9Hoskins, John & William Jeffersondeed of gift1848
76Hudson, Thomasindenture1848
153Hunley, Thomasindenture1849
127Hunter (Hart), Tabithadivision of land1849
128Hunter, John & Tabitha (Hart)indenture1849
130Hunter, John & Tabitha (Hart)indenture1847
7James, Johnindenture1848
34Jarnagin, Johnindenture1848
35Jarnagin, Johnindenture1848
109Jarnagin, Johnindenture1849
126Jarnagin, Johnbill of sale1849
160Jarnagin, Johnindenture1849
197Jarnagin, Johnindenture1849
107Jarnigan, Johndeed of trust1849
13Johnson, C. S. & Gilbertbill of sale1848
96Johnson, Calvin S.  indenture1849
53Johnson, Craven Sbill of sale1848
20Johnson, Craven S.indenture1848
111Johnson, Craven S.indenture1849
32Johnson, Craven S.indenture1848
195Johnson, Mary Ann & Craven S.indenture1849
187Johnson, Sarah Ann & Craven S.indenture1849
186Johnson, Sarah Janepower of attorney1849
189Johnson, Sarah Janeindenture1849
27Johnson, Stephen Hindenture1848
77Johnson, Vardamanindenture1848
87Johnson, Williamindenture1848
204Jones, James Sr.power of attorney1849
136Jones, Johnindenture1842
137Jones, Johnindenture1842
138Jones, Johnindenture1844
207Keeney, Fanney & John L & Calvin & Elizabethindenture1849
207Keeney, Katharien & Minerva & Evaline & Emarineindenture1849
26Keith, Spencerindenture1848
30Keith, Spencerdeed1848
153Keller, Christianindenture1849
72Kesterson, Williamindenture1848
17Key, James W.indenture1848
61Key, Johnsheriff1848
148Kincaid, Ritcheyindenture1849
70King, Clerk  indenture1848
209King, Clerk & William & Wiley & Calawayindenture1847
38King, Wilie & Calawaypower of attorney1848
84Kirkpatrick, Jamesindenture1848
33Lamar, Andrew J & Wiley B & Joseph & Robertindenture1848
33Lamar, Hugh B & Thomas & William (deceased)indenture1848
192Lamar, J. B.indenture1849
22Lamar, Jamesindenture1848
171Lamar, Josephdeed1844
132Lamar, Thomas J & Elmirabill of sale1847
183Lamar, Wilie B.indenture1848
127Lamar/Hart, Elminadivision of land1849
194Lamare, H. B.indenture1849
125Landrum, Thomasindenture1849
58Langhary, Milleydeed of gift1848
171Larmar, Charlesforced land sale1844
21Leach, Calvindeed1848
152Leach, Calvindeed1849
86Leach, Calvin & John (deceased)deed1848
85Leinard, Johnindenture1848
105Leinard, Johnindenture1849
193Leinart, Johnindenture1849
150Leinart, Samuel D. & Margaret M & Sarah P & William (deceased)indenture1849
182Lemar, Joseph Bindenture1845
105Lewallen, Parazedlaindenture1849
203Lewis, John & Jamespower of attorney1849
100Long, Georgeindenture1849
44Longmire, Elijah & Jordanindenture1848
45Longmire, Elijah & Jordanindenture1848
19Longmire, Elijah & Murcellousindenture1848
176Longmire, Jordan F & Hendersonindenture1849
175Longmire, Jordon F. & Hendersonindenture1849
177Longmire, Ruben M.indenture1849
181Loveday, Wm R & Carrellindenture1849
106Lovely, Johnindenture1849
188Lovely, Johnindenture1849
174Loy, Emanuelindenture1849
75Loy, Johnindenture1848
53Luallen, Paralzidaindenture1848
18Mabary, Alexanderbill of sale1848
121Malone, Richardindenture1849
169Marshall, Hardy F & Janeindenture1849
161Martin, William R.indenture1849
107Mayberry, Alexanderdeed of trust1849
84McAdoo, Johnindenture1848
158McAdoo, John & Mary Ann & William & Elizabeth & Elizapower of attorney1849
191McAdoo, William & Elizabeth & Mary Ann & Eliza & John Sr. (deceased)power of attorney1849
74McBath, Robertindenture1847
172McBath, Robertbond1849
62McEwen, William J & Robert Nindenture1848
157McKamey, Andrewindenture1849
208McKamey, Andrew Sr & Jrindenture1849
39McKamey, Bartondeed1846
123McKamey, Bartonreceipt1849
71McKamy, Andrew Srdeed1848
61McKamy, Barton & John Asheriff1848
33McKamy, Robert C.indenture1848
200McKamy, Robert C.deed1849
47McKnight, Charlesbill of sale1849
23Miller, Georgeindenture1848
198Montgomery, Wm. A. & Rebeccaindenture1847
40Moore, Austin & Miranda (deceased)power of attorney1848
67Moore, Ransom M & Samuelindenture1848
53Moore, Samuelindenture1848
68Moore, Samuelbill of sale1848
84Moore, Samuelindenture1848
69Moore, Samuel & Ransom Mbill of sale1848
190Murray, Thomas W.power of attorney1849
178Nash, Arthurindenture1848
163Norman, Aaron & Elibond1849
25Norman, Armstead Bindenture1848
168Norman, Bennet & Elibond1849
99Norman, Eliindenture1849
100Norman, Eliindenture1849
167Norman, Moses & Isaac Jr. & Elibond1849
165Norman, Nathan & Elibond1849
57Norman, William & Christiandeed1848
166Norman, William & Elibond1849
120Oaks, Josephindenture1849
136O’Dell, Sarah R (Gallaher) &indenture1842
108Oliver, Richardindenture1849
61Oliver, Williamsheriff1848
147Oneal, Johndeed1849
4Overton, Alfredindenture1848
5Overton, Alfredindenture1848
24Overton, Alfreddeed1848
81Owen, Richard Gdeed1848
164Owen, Richard G. W.indenture1849
50Owen, Thomas L.indenture1848
52Owen, Thomas L.article of agreement1848
142Owen, Thomas L.indenture1849
201Owen, Thomas L.indenture1849
207Page, Sarahindenture1849
64Patterson, English W.indenture1848
65Patterson, English W.indenture1848
103Patterson, English W.indenture1849
193Patterson, Mathewindenture1849
42Patterson, William & Mathewindenture1848
205Peak, Jacob & Lukeindenture1849
145Peak, Williamdeed of trust1849
2Petre, Johnindenture1848
3Powel, Alexanderindenture1848
2Powell, Elexanderindenture1848
15Preston, Leachindenture1844
207Queener, Jamesindenture1849
80Ramsey, William B. A.attorney1848
196Ramsey, William B. A.attorney1849
65Rich, Williamindenture1848
51Richardson, Williamindenture1848
134Roberts, Collinsindenture1849
123Roberts, Collins & James C.receipt1849
191Rochester, William K.power of attorney1849
158Rochester, William R.power of attorney1849
37Ross, Jamesindenture1848
83Ross, Jamesindenture1849
96Ross, Jamesindenture1849
124Ross, Jamesindenture1849
139Ross, Jamesindenture1849
170Ross, Jamesforced land sale1846
180Ross, Jamesindenture1849
78Roysden, Robert & Roysdon, Joanahindenture1848
197Ruder, Sarah Annindenture1849
1Rutherford, Ezekielindenture1848
4Sartin, John G.indenture1848
102Scarbrough, Enos W. & Preesly Kingindenture1849
90Scarbrough, Jonathan L.forced land sale1849
54Scarbrough, P. K.indenture1848
193Seiber, John (deceased)indenture1849
184Seiber, Josephassignment1849
185Seiber, Josephindenture1849
71Seiber, Phillipdeed1848
200Seiber, Phillipdeed1849
46Seiber, Phillip & Josephdeed1848
90Seiber, Pleasantforced land sale1849
97Sever, Johnindenture1848
84Severs, Johnindenture1848
196Sharp, Alfredindenture1849
177Sharp, Isaacindenture1849
112Sharp, Jacobindenture1849
6Sharp, Nicholasindenture1848
32Shiliver, Charles Sr.indenture1848
28Shinliver, Charles & Frederickindenture1848
150Shinliver, Danielindenture1849
67Shinliver, Tabitha Aspin & Charlesindenture1848
68Shinliver, Tabitha Aspin & Charlesbill of sale1848
20Shinsliver, Charles Sr.indenture1848
84Sieber, Philipindenture1848
144Slover, Calvin M.deed of trust1849
148Smith, Samuelindenture1849
88Smith, William B.indenture1848
145Smith, William B.deed of trust1849
143Smith, William B. & Margaret (Thompson)deed of trust1849
14Spessard, Michaelindenture1844
15Spessard, Michaelindenture1844
201Stewart, Cynthia & Andrew (deceased)indenture1849
63Stuckesbey, Enoch & Eadylaw suit1848
112Stukesberry, Enoch & Edyindenture1849
174Stukesbery, Isaacindenture1849
186Summers, Jamespower of attorney1849
187Summers, Jamesindenture1849
189Summers, Jamesindenture1849
14Tally, Willis W.indenture1844
119Tate, Miltonindenture1849
189Tate, Miltonindenture1849
198Taylor, Williamindenture1847
88Thompson, Marthaindenture1848
104Thompson, Marthadeed of gift1849
53Thompson, Patton  bill of sale1848
48Thompson, Patton & Melvinadeed1848
91Thompson, Patton & Melvinadeed1849
111Thompson, Patton & Melvinaindenture1849
119Thompson, Patton & Melvina (Johnson)indenture1849
25Tunnell, John C. & John (deceased)indenture1848
178Turner, Alexanderindenture1848
43Turner, John & Alexanderindenture1847
80Turner, John Jr. & Alexanderindenture1848
11Turpen, Jamesindenture1848
199Vowel, Elizabeth & Aaronindenture1849
83Vowell, Aaron & Elizabethindenture1849
22Wade, Crocketindenture1848
33Wade, Crocket & Anna Eindenture1848
39Walker, W. W.deed1846
35Walker, Wilburn W.indenture1848
34Walker, William W.indenture1848
179Wallace, A. A.indenture1849
202Wallace, Jamesbill of sale1849
12Wallace, James & Robertindenture1848
151Wallace, John M.indenture1849
146Wallace, Levideed of trust1849
125Wallace, Thomasindenture1849
155Wallace, Thomasindenture1849
118Wallace, Williamdeed1849
127Wallace, Williamdivision of land1849
36Wallace, William & Jamesindenture1848
110Walton, Allen & Harriett Annindenture1849
7Warwick, Williamindenture1848
6Warwick, Willisindenture1848
120Washham, Thomasindenture1849
121Washham, Thomasindenture1849
127Weaver, Benjamindivision of land1849
206Weaver, George W & Benjaminindenture1849
27Weaver, George W.indenture1848
75Weaver, Johnindenture1848
94Weaver, Robertindenture1849
86Webb, Georgedeed1848
144Webb, Josephdeed of trust1849
98Webb, Williamindenture1848
62Webber, Casperindenture1848
82Webber, Casperindenture1848
61West, Samueldeed1848
149West, Williamindenture1849
29White, Johnindenture1848
52Whitson, Johnarticle of agreement1848
50Whitson, John  indenture1848
47Whitson, John G.bill of sale1849
146Whitton, Jamesdeed of trust1849
63Wilson, Amos & Augustuslaw suit1848
41Wineter, Moses Carticle of agreement1848
49Yarnell, Danielindenture1848
82Yarnell, Danielindenture1848
29Young, Samuel C.indenture1848
31Young, Samuel C.indenture1848
48Young, Samuel C.deed1848
55Young, Samuel C.indenture1848
64Young, Samuel C.indenture1848
91Young, Samuel C.deed1849
127Young, Samuel C.division of land1849
134Young, Samuel C.indenture1849
115Young, Samuel C.indenture1846
154Yourk, Enochindenture1849
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