Anderson County Deed Index: 1846-1847

Ancestry US

Anderson County Deed index provides a full index of all people named in Anderson County, Tennessee deeds for the years of 1846 – 1847 as found in volume M, Register of Deeds. These deeds were microfilmed by the Tennessee State Archives on roll #31.

138Adamson, Solomonindenture1847
18Adkins, Richarddeed1846
19Adkins, Richardindenture1846
32Aldridge, Josephindenture1846
33Aldridge, Josephindenture1846
132Alldred, Josephbill of sale1847
90Alldredge, Josephbill of sale1847
159Altom, Spencerindenture1847
143Ambrose, Batsindenture1847
60Ayers, Jessejudgment1846
72Baker, G. M.indenture1847
45Baker, Georgeindenture1846
113Baker, Georgearticle of agreement1847
61Baker, George W & Williamindenture1847
74Baker, Henry  indenture1847
63Baker, Henry & Williamindenture1847
62Baker, Solomonindenture1847
110Baker, Solomonindenture1847
111Baker, Solomonindenture1847
112Baker, Solomonindenture1847
152Banham, Jamesindenture1847
13Bats, Ambroseindenture1846
64Black, Josephindenture1847
77Black, Josephindenture1847
37Bonham, James S.indenture1846
116Bonham, James S.bill of sale1847
18Bowling, Charles C.forced land sale1846
128Bowling, Hugh Bindenture1847
106Boyd, Thomas & Ann D.indenture1847
73Bradley, Burrellindenture1847
97Brayden, Johnindenture1847
28Brooks, William R.indenture1846
132Browder, Johnbill of sale1847
44Brown, Mosesdeed of trust1846
46Brown, Williamindenture1846
114Brown, Williamindenture1847
119Brummett, Marthaindenture1847
23Bryan, Allen S.indenture1846
40Buckhanon, Jamesbill of sale1846
137Bullar, Calebindenture1847
30Butcher, Hastonindenture1846
115Canada, Jackson Jindenture1847
16Canaday, Jackson Iindenture1846
158Cann, Jessepower of attorney1847
6Carmichael, Georgebill of sale1846
91Carmichael, W. B.bill of sale1847
101Carrell, Dewry & Elexanderindenture1847
123Carrol, Williamindenture1847
64Chiles, Johnindenture1847
77Chiles, Johnindenture1847
34Clapier, Lewisdeed1846
110Clapier, Lewisindenture1847
111Clapier, Lewisindenture1847
154Clipyear, Lewis (deceased_indenture1847
50Coinger, Jesse C.power of attorney1846
117Colier, Hanahindenture1847
58Courtney, Johnindenture1846
65Coward, Isaacindenture1847
146Cox, Johnindenture1847
21Cross, A.indenture1846
75Cross, Johndeed of trust1847
89Cross, Mary & Jessieindenture1847
144Cross, Williamdeed1847
162Cummings, Robert E.indenture1847
112Curnut, Birdindenture1847
51Dagley, Josephindenture1846
59Dagley, Josephindenture1846
124Dale, Williamindenture1847
17Davis, Jamesindenture1846
2Davis, Sarahindenture1846
129Demarcus, Amosindenture1847
45Dew, Andrew Jindenture1846
135Dmarcus, Jobindenture1847
48Dunkin, Thomas & Johndeed of trust1846
140Easterbrook, Josephindenture1847
72Edmonson, John R.indenture1847
79Ellis, West W.deed1847
80Ellis, West W.deed1847
105Embree, Magshackindenture1847
14Emory, Mashackindenture1846
15Emory, Mashackindenture1846
144England, Elizabethdeed1847
116England, Johnbill of sale1847
21Farmer, Henryindenture1846
104Fost, Danieldeed1847
114Foster, Isaac & Keziahindenture1847
113Foster, Leviarticle of agreement1847
95Foster, William M. & Enochindenture1847
163Foust, Daniel Sr & Daniel Jrindenture1847
98Freeles, Isaac & Edwardindenture1847
155Freels, Isaacdeed of gift1847
99Freels, Isaac & Clerkindenture1847
150Freels, Isaac & Isaac Mindenture1847
151Freels, Isaac & Isaac Mbill of sale1847
147Freels, Isaac & William S.bill of sale1847
148Freels, Isaac & William S.indenture1847
156Freels, William S.bill of sale1847
157Freels, William S.forced land sale1847
75Freeman, Basel Ddeed of trust1847
77Frost, Rolingindenture1847
66Gamble, Robertindenture1847
83Garner, Johnattorney1847
26Gentry, Aderonindenture1846
138Gentry, Adisonindenture1847
123Gibbs, Johnattorney1847
5Gibbs, William Hdeed1846
96Ginnings, Sarah & Hiramindenture1847
108Goldston, John & Rileydeed1847
120Griffin, Benjaminindenture1847
40Griffith, Amos & William Cbill of sale1846
145Griffith, Cloedeed of gift1847
40Griffith, Katharine & Isaac (dec’d)bill of sale1846
10Hackney, Benjamin P.indenture1846
122Hagler, Johnindenture1847
39Hale, Willy b.indenture1846
65Hall, Davidindenture1847
12Hall, Jamesindenture1846
27Hall, Jamesindenture1846
35Hansard, Archelus B.indenture1846
119Harbison, William Hindenture1847
161Harden, T. (Heirs)decree1847
51Hatmaker, Jacobindenture1846
157Hawkins, Edwardforced land sale1847
60Hendrix, Aaronjudgment1846
83Hendrix, Hugh L. & Aaron Windenture1847
153Herrel, Bazelaindenture1847
102Herrel, Brazeallaindenture1847
34Herrell, Braizieldeed1846
152Holloway, Henryindenture1847
134Holt, Austinindenture1847
41Hudson, Richard G. & Nancy Ann (Griffith)bill of sale1846
135Hudson, Thomasindenture1847
32Ingram, Thomasindenture1846
33Ingram, Thomasindenture1846
16Jarnagin, Johnindenture1846
78Jarnagin, Johnindenture1847
107Jarnagin, Johnindenture1847
115Jarnagin, Johnindenture1847
141Jarnagin, Johnpower of attorney1847
158Jarnagin, Johnpower of attorney1847
159Jarnagin, Johnindenture1847
137Jestice, Squireindenture1847
169Johnson, Craven S. & Molly Laletaindenture1847
160Johnson, Maryann & Cravenindenture1847
29Johnson, Samuel R & Charles S.bond1846
24Johnson, Vardamondeed1846
67Johnson, William Sr & Jrindenture1847
56Jones, Johnindenture1846
134Jones, Johnindenture1847
42Jones, Warran T.deed1846
35Keebler, John & Samuelindenture1846
136Keeney, Joseph & Fanny & John & Jacson & Nancyindenture1847
79Keeth, G. W.deed1847
80Keeth, G. W.deed1847
157Keeth, John J.deed1847
30Keller, Christianindenture1846
117Kesterson, Williamindenture1847
84Key, Johnindenture1847
85Key, Johnindenture1847
86Key, Johnindenture1847
88Key, Johnindenture1847
68Kincaid, J. M. & Clingandeed1847
70Kincaid, J. M. & Clingandeed1847
71Kincaid, J. M. & Clingandeed1847
69Kincaid, James M. & Clingandeed1847
3King, Clarkeindenture1846
54King, Clerkindenture1846
78King, Clerkindenture1847
56Kingcaid, James M.indenture1846
66Kingcaid, William Gindenture1847
127Lamar, Andrew J & Joseph B & Wilie Bindenture1847
127Lamar, Charles & James & Hugh Bindenture1847
131Lamar, Thomas & Wiley b.indenture1847
104Lay, Georgedeed1847
8Lay, Williamindenture1846
23Lea, Eppyindenture1846
18Leach, Calvinsheriff1846
42Leach, Calvindeed1846
94Leach, Calvinbill of sale1847
157Leach, Calvinsheriff1847
97Leinart, Jacobindenture1847
58Lively, Josephindenture1846
24Long, Thomasdeed1846
49Longmire, Hendersonbill of sale1846
76Longmire, Reuben M.indenture1847
153Longmire, Reuben M.indenture1847
161Longmire, Reubin M.decree1847
162Longmire, Reubin M.indenture1847
15Low, Michaelindenture1846
14Low, Michael Jr.indenture1846
167Loy, Henryindenture1847
165Loy, Jacobindenture1847
164Loy, Lewisindenture1847
166Loy, Williamindenture1847
129Luallen, Charlesindenture1847
100Luallin, Paton & Charlespower of attorney1847
136Marshel, Hardy F & Richardindenture1847
103Massengale, Williamindenture1847
87McCart, Agnesindenture1847
140McClung, H. L.indenture1847
53McClung, Hugh L.indenture1846
53McGee, Johnindenture1846
7McKamey, Andrew & Robertindenture1846
44McKamy, Andrewdeed of trust1846
92Miller, Lewisindenture1847
43Moore, Jamesdeed of trust1846
46Moore, Jamesindenture1846
90Moore, James & Lemueldeed of gift1847
156Moore, Lazerasbill of sale1847
107Morrow, Robertindenture1847
26Morton, Jamesindenture1846
142Murphy, Williampower of attorney1847
133Norman, Aaron & Harvey M. B.indenture1847
36Norman, Cellar S & Aarondeed of gift1846
109Oliver, Charles Y & Richard & Douglass (deceased)deed1847
6Oliver, Richardbill of sale1846
91Oliver, Richardbill of sale1847
144Oliver, Richarddeed1847
124Overton, Jamesindenture1847
2Overton, Josephindenture1846
114Overton, Joseph & Annindenture1847
28Overton, Mosesindenture1846
149Overton, Williamindenture1847
54Owen, R. G. M.indenture1846
10Owen, R. G. W.indenture1846
123Parsons, Enochindenture1847
8Pate, Andersonindenture1846
9Pate, Andersonindenture1846
11Pate, Andersonindenture1846
31Peak, Jacobdeed of gift1846
55Peak, Jacobdeed of gift1846
94Peak, Jacobbill of sale1847
145Peak, Jacobdeed of gift1847
139Peak, Jacob & Williamdeed of gift1847
86Peters, Jamesindenture1847
84Peters, Jasonindenture1847
87Peters, John & Polly & Tobias (deceased)indenture1847
85Peters, Wesleyindenture1847
25Petre, Georgeindenture1846
3Phillips, Milton Lindenture1846
154Poor, Christopherindenture1847
146Prince, Edwardindenture1847
120Raley, Vincentindenture1847
111Ramsey, W. B. A.attorney1847
154Ramsey, W. B. A.attorney1847
34Ramsey, William B. A.deed1846
92Ramsey, William B. A.indenture1847
31Rector, Jemimadeed of gift1846
55Rector, Jemimadeed of gift1846
155Reed, Angleinedeed of gift1847
103Rich, Sabertindenture1847
25Rich, Sabretindenture1846
22Rich, Williamindenture1846
105Rich, Williamindenture1847
81Robards, Colinsindenture1847
82Robards, Colinsindenture1847
102Romines, Jeremiahindenture1847
1Ross, Jamesindenture1846
18Ross, Jamesforced land sale1846
19Ross, Jamesindenture1846
59Ross, Jamesindenture1846
81Ross, Jamesindenture1847
82Ross, Jamesindenture1847
125Ross, Jamesindenture1847
126Ross, Jamesindenture1847
130Ross, Jamesindenture1847
43Sartin, Eli & Thomasdeed of trust1846
39Scarbrough, J. L.indenture1846
47Scarbrough, J. L. & E. C.indenture1846
38Scarbrough, J. L. & Enos Windenture1846
12Scarbrough, Jonathanindenture1846
37Scarbrough, Jonathan L & P Kindenture1846
93Scruggs, George Mdeed of trust1847
4Severs, Charles J.power of attorney1846
168Sharp, Johnindenture1847
4Shirly, John & Marypower of attorney1846
93Sims, Johndeed of trust1847
96Slaughter, Barnardindenture1847
50Slover, Aarondeceased1846
126Slover, Aaron (deceased)indenture1847
130Slover, Raleigh D.indenture1847
90Smith, Johnbill of sale1847
20Smith, Samuelindenture1846
9Snoderly, Dannielindenture1846
11Snoderly, Dannielindenture1846
76Snoderly, Nancyindenture1847
62Snotlerly, Danielindenture1847
35Strader, Danielindenture1846
143Strader, Danielindenture1847
164Stukesbery, Isaacindenture1847
165Stukesbery, Isaacindenture1847
166Stukesbery, Isaacindenture1847
167Stukesbery, Isaacindenture1847
29Summers, James & Georgebond1846
73Summers, James & Georgeindenture1847
169Summers, James & Lolletaindenture1847
109Tadlock, John R.deed1847
152Tovery, Johnindenture1847
52Tunnell, Martin L. & John C.indenture1846
142Tunnell, Williampower of attorney1847
49Walker, W. W.bill of sale1846
17Wallace, David & Elizabethindenture1846
168Wallace, Johnindenture1847
118Warker, Joseph H &Wbill of sale1847
121Warwick, William & Prestonindenture1847
27Weaver, Robertindenture1846
13Weaver, Timothy M.indenture1846
5Weaver, Williamdeed1846
20White, Jacobindenture1846
141White, Johnpower of attorney1847
157White, Mosesforced land sale1847
50Whitton, Calvin & Kisiahpower of attorney1846
125Whitton, Calvin & Kiziah (Slover)indenture1847
126Whitton, Elijah & Sarah (Slover)indenture1847
106Willson, Mary & John (deceased)indenture1847
128Wilson, Jamesindenture1847
60Wood, Clementjudgment1846
57Wood, James & Harrisonindenture1846
74Woods, Masonindenture1847
1Young, Samuel C.indenture1846
22Young, Samuel C.indenture1846
78Young, Samuel C.indenture1847
122Young, Samuel C.indenture1847
149Young, Samuel C.indenture1847
Ancestry US

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