Anderson County Deed index provides a full index of all people named in Anderson County, Tennessee deeds for the years of 1846 – 1847 as found in volume M, Register of Deeds. These deeds were microfilmed by the Tennessee State Archives on roll #31.
Number | Name | Type | Date |
138 | Adamson, Solomon | indenture | 1847 |
18 | Adkins, Richard | deed | 1846 |
19 | Adkins, Richard | indenture | 1846 |
32 | Aldridge, Joseph | indenture | 1846 |
33 | Aldridge, Joseph | indenture | 1846 |
132 | Alldred, Joseph | bill of sale | 1847 |
90 | Alldredge, Joseph | bill of sale | 1847 |
159 | Altom, Spencer | indenture | 1847 |
143 | Ambrose, Bats | indenture | 1847 |
60 | Ayers, Jesse | judgment | 1846 |
72 | Baker, G. M. | indenture | 1847 |
45 | Baker, George | indenture | 1846 |
113 | Baker, George | article of agreement | 1847 |
61 | Baker, George W & William | indenture | 1847 |
74 | Baker, Henry | indenture | 1847 |
63 | Baker, Henry & William | indenture | 1847 |
62 | Baker, Solomon | indenture | 1847 |
110 | Baker, Solomon | indenture | 1847 |
111 | Baker, Solomon | indenture | 1847 |
112 | Baker, Solomon | indenture | 1847 |
152 | Banham, James | indenture | 1847 |
13 | Bats, Ambrose | indenture | 1846 |
64 | Black, Joseph | indenture | 1847 |
77 | Black, Joseph | indenture | 1847 |
37 | Bonham, James S. | indenture | 1846 |
116 | Bonham, James S. | bill of sale | 1847 |
18 | Bowling, Charles C. | forced land sale | 1846 |
128 | Bowling, Hugh B | indenture | 1847 |
106 | Boyd, Thomas & Ann D. | indenture | 1847 |
73 | Bradley, Burrell | indenture | 1847 |
97 | Brayden, John | indenture | 1847 |
28 | Brooks, William R. | indenture | 1846 |
132 | Browder, John | bill of sale | 1847 |
44 | Brown, Moses | deed of trust | 1846 |
46 | Brown, William | indenture | 1846 |
114 | Brown, William | indenture | 1847 |
119 | Brummett, Martha | indenture | 1847 |
23 | Bryan, Allen S. | indenture | 1846 |
40 | Buckhanon, James | bill of sale | 1846 |
137 | Bullar, Caleb | indenture | 1847 |
30 | Butcher, Haston | indenture | 1846 |
115 | Canada, Jackson J | indenture | 1847 |
16 | Canaday, Jackson I | indenture | 1846 |
158 | Cann, Jesse | power of attorney | 1847 |
6 | Carmichael, George | bill of sale | 1846 |
91 | Carmichael, W. B. | bill of sale | 1847 |
101 | Carrell, Dewry & Elexander | indenture | 1847 |
123 | Carrol, William | indenture | 1847 |
64 | Chiles, John | indenture | 1847 |
77 | Chiles, John | indenture | 1847 |
34 | Clapier, Lewis | deed | 1846 |
110 | Clapier, Lewis | indenture | 1847 |
111 | Clapier, Lewis | indenture | 1847 |
154 | Clipyear, Lewis (deceased_ | indenture | 1847 |
50 | Coinger, Jesse C. | power of attorney | 1846 |
117 | Colier, Hanah | indenture | 1847 |
58 | Courtney, John | indenture | 1846 |
65 | Coward, Isaac | indenture | 1847 |
146 | Cox, John | indenture | 1847 |
21 | Cross, A. | indenture | 1846 |
75 | Cross, John | deed of trust | 1847 |
89 | Cross, Mary & Jessie | indenture | 1847 |
144 | Cross, William | deed | 1847 |
162 | Cummings, Robert E. | indenture | 1847 |
112 | Curnut, Bird | indenture | 1847 |
51 | Dagley, Joseph | indenture | 1846 |
59 | Dagley, Joseph | indenture | 1846 |
124 | Dale, William | indenture | 1847 |
17 | Davis, James | indenture | 1846 |
2 | Davis, Sarah | indenture | 1846 |
129 | Demarcus, Amos | indenture | 1847 |
45 | Dew, Andrew J | indenture | 1846 |
135 | Dmarcus, Job | indenture | 1847 |
48 | Dunkin, Thomas & John | deed of trust | 1846 |
140 | Easterbrook, Joseph | indenture | 1847 |
72 | Edmonson, John R. | indenture | 1847 |
79 | Ellis, West W. | deed | 1847 |
80 | Ellis, West W. | deed | 1847 |
105 | Embree, Magshack | indenture | 1847 |
14 | Emory, Mashack | indenture | 1846 |
15 | Emory, Mashack | indenture | 1846 |
144 | England, Elizabeth | deed | 1847 |
116 | England, John | bill of sale | 1847 |
21 | Farmer, Henry | indenture | 1846 |
104 | Fost, Daniel | deed | 1847 |
114 | Foster, Isaac & Keziah | indenture | 1847 |
113 | Foster, Levi | article of agreement | 1847 |
95 | Foster, William M. & Enoch | indenture | 1847 |
163 | Foust, Daniel Sr & Daniel Jr | indenture | 1847 |
98 | Freeles, Isaac & Edward | indenture | 1847 |
155 | Freels, Isaac | deed of gift | 1847 |
99 | Freels, Isaac & Clerk | indenture | 1847 |
150 | Freels, Isaac & Isaac M | indenture | 1847 |
151 | Freels, Isaac & Isaac M | bill of sale | 1847 |
147 | Freels, Isaac & William S. | bill of sale | 1847 |
148 | Freels, Isaac & William S. | indenture | 1847 |
156 | Freels, William S. | bill of sale | 1847 |
157 | Freels, William S. | forced land sale | 1847 |
75 | Freeman, Basel D | deed of trust | 1847 |
77 | Frost, Roling | indenture | 1847 |
66 | Gamble, Robert | indenture | 1847 |
83 | Garner, John | attorney | 1847 |
26 | Gentry, Aderon | indenture | 1846 |
138 | Gentry, Adison | indenture | 1847 |
123 | Gibbs, John | attorney | 1847 |
5 | Gibbs, William H | deed | 1846 |
96 | Ginnings, Sarah & Hiram | indenture | 1847 |
108 | Goldston, John & Riley | deed | 1847 |
120 | Griffin, Benjamin | indenture | 1847 |
40 | Griffith, Amos & William C | bill of sale | 1846 |
145 | Griffith, Cloe | deed of gift | 1847 |
40 | Griffith, Katharine & Isaac (dec’d) | bill of sale | 1846 |
10 | Hackney, Benjamin P. | indenture | 1846 |
122 | Hagler, John | indenture | 1847 |
39 | Hale, Willy b. | indenture | 1846 |
65 | Hall, David | indenture | 1847 |
12 | Hall, James | indenture | 1846 |
27 | Hall, James | indenture | 1846 |
35 | Hansard, Archelus B. | indenture | 1846 |
119 | Harbison, William H | indenture | 1847 |
161 | Harden, T. (Heirs) | decree | 1847 |
51 | Hatmaker, Jacob | indenture | 1846 |
157 | Hawkins, Edward | forced land sale | 1847 |
60 | Hendrix, Aaron | judgment | 1846 |
83 | Hendrix, Hugh L. & Aaron W | indenture | 1847 |
153 | Herrel, Bazela | indenture | 1847 |
102 | Herrel, Brazealla | indenture | 1847 |
34 | Herrell, Braiziel | deed | 1846 |
152 | Holloway, Henry | indenture | 1847 |
134 | Holt, Austin | indenture | 1847 |
41 | Hudson, Richard G. & Nancy Ann (Griffith) | bill of sale | 1846 |
135 | Hudson, Thomas | indenture | 1847 |
32 | Ingram, Thomas | indenture | 1846 |
33 | Ingram, Thomas | indenture | 1846 |
16 | Jarnagin, John | indenture | 1846 |
78 | Jarnagin, John | indenture | 1847 |
107 | Jarnagin, John | indenture | 1847 |
115 | Jarnagin, John | indenture | 1847 |
141 | Jarnagin, John | power of attorney | 1847 |
158 | Jarnagin, John | power of attorney | 1847 |
159 | Jarnagin, John | indenture | 1847 |
137 | Jestice, Squire | indenture | 1847 |
169 | Johnson, Craven S. & Molly Laleta | indenture | 1847 |
160 | Johnson, Maryann & Craven | indenture | 1847 |
29 | Johnson, Samuel R & Charles S. | bond | 1846 |
24 | Johnson, Vardamon | deed | 1846 |
67 | Johnson, William Sr & Jr | indenture | 1847 |
56 | Jones, John | indenture | 1846 |
134 | Jones, John | indenture | 1847 |
42 | Jones, Warran T. | deed | 1846 |
35 | Keebler, John & Samuel | indenture | 1846 |
136 | Keeney, Joseph & Fanny & John & Jacson & Nancy | indenture | 1847 |
79 | Keeth, G. W. | deed | 1847 |
80 | Keeth, G. W. | deed | 1847 |
157 | Keeth, John J. | deed | 1847 |
30 | Keller, Christian | indenture | 1846 |
117 | Kesterson, William | indenture | 1847 |
84 | Key, John | indenture | 1847 |
85 | Key, John | indenture | 1847 |
86 | Key, John | indenture | 1847 |
88 | Key, John | indenture | 1847 |
68 | Kincaid, J. M. & Clingan | deed | 1847 |
70 | Kincaid, J. M. & Clingan | deed | 1847 |
71 | Kincaid, J. M. & Clingan | deed | 1847 |
69 | Kincaid, James M. & Clingan | deed | 1847 |
3 | King, Clarke | indenture | 1846 |
54 | King, Clerk | indenture | 1846 |
78 | King, Clerk | indenture | 1847 |
56 | Kingcaid, James M. | indenture | 1846 |
66 | Kingcaid, William G | indenture | 1847 |
127 | Lamar, Andrew J & Joseph B & Wilie B | indenture | 1847 |
127 | Lamar, Charles & James & Hugh B | indenture | 1847 |
131 | Lamar, Thomas & Wiley b. | indenture | 1847 |
104 | Lay, George | deed | 1847 |
8 | Lay, William | indenture | 1846 |
23 | Lea, Eppy | indenture | 1846 |
18 | Leach, Calvin | sheriff | 1846 |
42 | Leach, Calvin | deed | 1846 |
94 | Leach, Calvin | bill of sale | 1847 |
157 | Leach, Calvin | sheriff | 1847 |
97 | Leinart, Jacob | indenture | 1847 |
58 | Lively, Joseph | indenture | 1846 |
24 | Long, Thomas | deed | 1846 |
49 | Longmire, Henderson | bill of sale | 1846 |
76 | Longmire, Reuben M. | indenture | 1847 |
153 | Longmire, Reuben M. | indenture | 1847 |
161 | Longmire, Reubin M. | decree | 1847 |
162 | Longmire, Reubin M. | indenture | 1847 |
15 | Low, Michael | indenture | 1846 |
14 | Low, Michael Jr. | indenture | 1846 |
167 | Loy, Henry | indenture | 1847 |
165 | Loy, Jacob | indenture | 1847 |
164 | Loy, Lewis | indenture | 1847 |
166 | Loy, William | indenture | 1847 |
129 | Luallen, Charles | indenture | 1847 |
100 | Luallin, Paton & Charles | power of attorney | 1847 |
136 | Marshel, Hardy F & Richard | indenture | 1847 |
103 | Massengale, William | indenture | 1847 |
87 | McCart, Agnes | indenture | 1847 |
140 | McClung, H. L. | indenture | 1847 |
53 | McClung, Hugh L. | indenture | 1846 |
53 | McGee, John | indenture | 1846 |
7 | McKamey, Andrew & Robert | indenture | 1846 |
44 | McKamy, Andrew | deed of trust | 1846 |
92 | Miller, Lewis | indenture | 1847 |
43 | Moore, James | deed of trust | 1846 |
46 | Moore, James | indenture | 1846 |
90 | Moore, James & Lemuel | deed of gift | 1847 |
156 | Moore, Lazeras | bill of sale | 1847 |
107 | Morrow, Robert | indenture | 1847 |
26 | Morton, James | indenture | 1846 |
142 | Murphy, William | power of attorney | 1847 |
133 | Norman, Aaron & Harvey M. B. | indenture | 1847 |
36 | Norman, Cellar S & Aaron | deed of gift | 1846 |
109 | Oliver, Charles Y & Richard & Douglass (deceased) | deed | 1847 |
6 | Oliver, Richard | bill of sale | 1846 |
91 | Oliver, Richard | bill of sale | 1847 |
144 | Oliver, Richard | deed | 1847 |
124 | Overton, James | indenture | 1847 |
2 | Overton, Joseph | indenture | 1846 |
114 | Overton, Joseph & Ann | indenture | 1847 |
28 | Overton, Moses | indenture | 1846 |
149 | Overton, William | indenture | 1847 |
54 | Owen, R. G. M. | indenture | 1846 |
10 | Owen, R. G. W. | indenture | 1846 |
123 | Parsons, Enoch | indenture | 1847 |
8 | Pate, Anderson | indenture | 1846 |
9 | Pate, Anderson | indenture | 1846 |
11 | Pate, Anderson | indenture | 1846 |
31 | Peak, Jacob | deed of gift | 1846 |
55 | Peak, Jacob | deed of gift | 1846 |
94 | Peak, Jacob | bill of sale | 1847 |
145 | Peak, Jacob | deed of gift | 1847 |
139 | Peak, Jacob & William | deed of gift | 1847 |
86 | Peters, James | indenture | 1847 |
84 | Peters, Jason | indenture | 1847 |
87 | Peters, John & Polly & Tobias (deceased) | indenture | 1847 |
85 | Peters, Wesley | indenture | 1847 |
25 | Petre, George | indenture | 1846 |
3 | Phillips, Milton L | indenture | 1846 |
154 | Poor, Christopher | indenture | 1847 |
146 | Prince, Edward | indenture | 1847 |
120 | Raley, Vincent | indenture | 1847 |
111 | Ramsey, W. B. A. | attorney | 1847 |
154 | Ramsey, W. B. A. | attorney | 1847 |
34 | Ramsey, William B. A. | deed | 1846 |
92 | Ramsey, William B. A. | indenture | 1847 |
31 | Rector, Jemima | deed of gift | 1846 |
55 | Rector, Jemima | deed of gift | 1846 |
155 | Reed, Angleine | deed of gift | 1847 |
103 | Rich, Sabert | indenture | 1847 |
25 | Rich, Sabret | indenture | 1846 |
22 | Rich, William | indenture | 1846 |
105 | Rich, William | indenture | 1847 |
81 | Robards, Colins | indenture | 1847 |
82 | Robards, Colins | indenture | 1847 |
102 | Romines, Jeremiah | indenture | 1847 |
1 | Ross, James | indenture | 1846 |
18 | Ross, James | forced land sale | 1846 |
19 | Ross, James | indenture | 1846 |
59 | Ross, James | indenture | 1846 |
81 | Ross, James | indenture | 1847 |
82 | Ross, James | indenture | 1847 |
125 | Ross, James | indenture | 1847 |
126 | Ross, James | indenture | 1847 |
130 | Ross, James | indenture | 1847 |
43 | Sartin, Eli & Thomas | deed of trust | 1846 |
39 | Scarbrough, J. L. | indenture | 1846 |
47 | Scarbrough, J. L. & E. C. | indenture | 1846 |
38 | Scarbrough, J. L. & Enos W | indenture | 1846 |
12 | Scarbrough, Jonathan | indenture | 1846 |
37 | Scarbrough, Jonathan L & P K | indenture | 1846 |
93 | Scruggs, George M | deed of trust | 1847 |
4 | Severs, Charles J. | power of attorney | 1846 |
168 | Sharp, John | indenture | 1847 |
4 | Shirly, John & Mary | power of attorney | 1846 |
93 | Sims, John | deed of trust | 1847 |
96 | Slaughter, Barnard | indenture | 1847 |
50 | Slover, Aaron | deceased | 1846 |
126 | Slover, Aaron (deceased) | indenture | 1847 |
130 | Slover, Raleigh D. | indenture | 1847 |
90 | Smith, John | bill of sale | 1847 |
20 | Smith, Samuel | indenture | 1846 |
9 | Snoderly, Danniel | indenture | 1846 |
11 | Snoderly, Danniel | indenture | 1846 |
76 | Snoderly, Nancy | indenture | 1847 |
62 | Snotlerly, Daniel | indenture | 1847 |
35 | Strader, Daniel | indenture | 1846 |
143 | Strader, Daniel | indenture | 1847 |
164 | Stukesbery, Isaac | indenture | 1847 |
165 | Stukesbery, Isaac | indenture | 1847 |
166 | Stukesbery, Isaac | indenture | 1847 |
167 | Stukesbery, Isaac | indenture | 1847 |
29 | Summers, James & George | bond | 1846 |
73 | Summers, James & George | indenture | 1847 |
169 | Summers, James & Lolleta | indenture | 1847 |
109 | Tadlock, John R. | deed | 1847 |
152 | Tovery, John | indenture | 1847 |
52 | Tunnell, Martin L. & John C. | indenture | 1846 |
142 | Tunnell, William | power of attorney | 1847 |
49 | Walker, W. W. | bill of sale | 1846 |
17 | Wallace, David & Elizabeth | indenture | 1846 |
168 | Wallace, John | indenture | 1847 |
118 | Warker, Joseph H &W | bill of sale | 1847 |
121 | Warwick, William & Preston | indenture | 1847 |
27 | Weaver, Robert | indenture | 1846 |
13 | Weaver, Timothy M. | indenture | 1846 |
5 | Weaver, William | deed | 1846 |
20 | White, Jacob | indenture | 1846 |
141 | White, John | power of attorney | 1847 |
157 | White, Moses | forced land sale | 1847 |
50 | Whitton, Calvin & Kisiah | power of attorney | 1846 |
125 | Whitton, Calvin & Kiziah (Slover) | indenture | 1847 |
126 | Whitton, Elijah & Sarah (Slover) | indenture | 1847 |
106 | Willson, Mary & John (deceased) | indenture | 1847 |
128 | Wilson, James | indenture | 1847 |
60 | Wood, Clement | judgment | 1846 |
57 | Wood, James & Harrison | indenture | 1846 |
74 | Woods, Mason | indenture | 1847 |
1 | Young, Samuel C. | indenture | 1846 |
22 | Young, Samuel C. | indenture | 1846 |
78 | Young, Samuel C. | indenture | 1847 |
122 | Young, Samuel C. | indenture | 1847 |
149 | Young, Samuel C. | indenture | 1847 |