Blount County, Tennessee Genealogy Societies, Libraries and Archives

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The genealogy research listings below are premised on the following questions.

What research facilities are available within Blount County, Tennessee, that can help a genealogist trace their family tree ?
What genealogy information do they provide online in the way of Digital Archives or databases ?

Blount County, Tennessee Genealogical and Historical Societies

Blount County Genealogical and Historical Society

508 N. Cusick Street
Maryville, TN 37804
Reference Department

The first place most researchers should look for material on their Blount County Tennessee ancestors is the BCGHS. Their office is located in the Blount County Public Library in the Reference Department (office #1110). If you would like to contact them prior to your stop in Maryville, then I suggest using their contact page.

  • Blount County, Tennessee World War I Registry
    Blount County’s World War I Registry is a large database of WWI soldiers with ties to Blount County. This listing was created by Timothy Walker, our current BCGHS president. It is well organized, easy to use and jam-packed with important genealogical and historical information. The listing for each man includes the birthdate, birthplace, death date, death place, burial place, race, and a good bit of additional information. If you have a relative in WWI from Blount County, you need to check this listing.
  • Schools of Blount County, TN
    As part of our focus on schools of Blount County over the many years, The Blount Journal editor, April Wegner, has provided the compiled list of schools extracted from multiple sources.  The Blount Journal editor and the BCGHS webmaster have provided this list, taken from the Spring 2017 issue, as a working platform that will allow for continual revision.

Blount County, Tennessee Libraries

Blount County Public Library

508 N. Cusick Street
Maryville, TN 37804

The Blount County Public Library provides patrons access to the Ancestry Library Edition. This limited version of Ancestry can provide you free access to a significant portion of the records on Ancestry, especially dealing with the United States and Tennessee specifically.

Blount County Virtual Archives
The Blount County Public Library collection is an archive of historic artifacts relating to Blount County, East Tennessee, and the state of Tennessee. These artifacts will enable patrons to learn about the history and culture of East Tennessee.

Lamar Memorial Library, Maryville College

Maryville College’s World War II Gold Stars
The Maryville College Archives is honored to share the stories of those who fought for and gave their lives for our country during World War II. As you travel through this exhibit, remember that these men were students who rushed to class in Anderson Hall, slept in Carnegie Hall, ate in Pearsons Hall, hiked with friends through the College Woods, and played sports on the College fields just like students today. They answered the call for their country, left the safety of academia, and went to the fields, skies, and seas of Europe and Asia. Most returned safely, but not all. Some declared “Missing in Action” made it home but others did not. We remember and honor the sacrifices of these men and their families.

Blount County, Tennessee Archives and Museums

Blount County Records Management and Archives Department

Records Management & Archives Website
1229 McArthur Road
Maryville TN 37804

Physical Holdings

Marriage Licenses-1795-2010
Birth & Death Record Books-1881-2,1908-12,1925-38
Tax Rolls 1846-1995
Chancery Court 1850-1972
County Court 1795-1900s
Circuit Court 1894-1992
Criminal Court 1930-1992
General Sessions 1960-1996
Circuit Court Civil 1980-1991
Road Books 1860-1900s

Other records include:

Juvenile Court
Sheriff’s Department
chattel records
old County Court books
note books
Court docket and minute books

Greenback Heritage Museum

6725 Morganton Rd.
Greenback, TN 37742

Established to preserve items related to the history and heritage of the area around Greenback. The museum houses a collection of artifacts and memorabilia donated or loaned by local families, businesses and institutions. These include documents, books, picture, farm tools, household items, telephones, antique radios and business equipment from the 1800s and early 1900s. Visit Facebook Page

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2 thoughts on “Blount County, Tennessee Genealogy Societies, Libraries and Archives”

  1. I havea Maryville College diploma from a deceased cousin whose name was Edna Jewel McCamy. She graduated from Maryville College in 1929 I would like to donate the diploma to the Historical Society in Maryville, TN. I also have three Dr. A.K. Bryant Prescription note books. He was a prominent MD in Maryville, TN during the 1930s to the 1970s. Would you be interested in having these items for your archives? I am willing to donate them. Please let me know. Thank you.
    Conway Gregory

    • Thank you very much for your generous offer. We would be most grateful to have your historical material. As former Editor of The Blount Journal I would love to present the important facts and story. Please contact me on Thursdays through reference department at the Blount county library. Thank you. April Wegner


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