Meharry Medical College Archives
1005 D. B. Todd Boulevard,
Nashville, TN 37208
Phone: 615-327-6862/6728
Organization type: College archives
Access: 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday
Total Volume: Not given
- Original documents,
- photographs/negatives,
- film,
- prints/illustrations,
- audio tapes,
- video tapes.
- Published and unpublished histories of Meharry Medical College;
- records and listing of Meharry graduates;
- information on the Meharry Brothers;
- records of administrative offices, including presindents, vice-presidents, deans, department chairs, division chairs;
- published books by and about Meharrians;
- legal and fiscal administrative records;
- annual and special reports;
- clippings collection;
- photographs, 1876-2000;
- biographical information on Meharrians;
- manuscripts;
- theses;
- dissertations;
- yearbooks;
- calendars;
- building and landscaping plans;
- announcements;
- brochures;
- programs;
- posters;
- films;
- videos;
- tape recordings;
- manuals;
- study guides;
- lectures;
- conferences;
- commencement activities;
- oral histories including interviews with early faculty, staff, and alumnae;
- Meharry official publications including student publications;
- records of the alumnae association including state chapters;
- records of organization association with Meharry records of the George Hubbard Hospital, including merger documents.
- Special collections include:
- Black Medical History;
- manuscripts;
- information on extinct Black medical schools;
- Black Nursing History Collection;
- books and articles on the contributions of Blacks in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing; books on Black early health care.
DATES: 1876-2000