Cheatham County Soldiers in World War I
A list of Cheatham residents who served in the American Armed Forces during World War 1 and the status of that service, wounded, killed, etc.
A list of Cheatham residents who served in the American Armed Forces during World War 1 and the status of that service, wounded, killed, etc.
The first cotton gin was erected near the same place in about 1818. Thomas Roundtree built the cotton mill on the creek at Lynchburg, about the year 1820. At this time there was a cotton gin and cotton mill on East Mulberry Creek near the county line, owned by Levi Roberts. The grist mill and cotton gin at Lynchburg, was then operated by William P. Long. A large tannery was also in operation at Lynchburg about this time. A Mr. McJimsey is said to have opened the first store in Lynchburg some time prior to 1820, at which time William … Read more
Moore County lies in the south central portion of Tennessee, and is bounded on the north by Bedford, east by Coffee, south by Franklin, and west by Lincoln. It contains about 170 square miles, and its surface is greatly diversified. About one-half the county lies on the Highland Rim, and the remainder of the county lies in the Central Basin. The eastern portion has a high, flat, slightly-rolling surf ace, known as the “barrens,” which breaks off to the south and west into ridges and ravines, some of the latter having a depth of 300 to 400 feet. These ridges … Read more
The government of Blount County, Tennessee has created an index for their Chancery Court records covering the years of 1850-1900s. These records are stored in twenty-nine boxes with an archives copy stored on microfilm. This index is reproduced below in a searchable format. Click here to see their pdf version of this index. Chancery court cases contain records of equity cases, some divorces, estate disputes and other private suits.
There are two additional columns in the original entitled “Billiard Tables” and “Stud Horses.” No individuals were listed as owning any of the former, and only two individuals were designated of Alexander’s Company as owning any of the latter: John Lowry, attorney, and John Sharp, each owning one. Almost all of the company lived in the town of Maryville. Name Land Free Polls Black Polls Town Lots Alexander, Oliver 300 1 Alexander, Benjamin 1 Alexander, John 150 1 2 Alexander, John 100 1 Burk, William 233½ 1 1 1 Berry, Thomas 200 1 1 Bolu , James 100 1 Brown, … Read more
There are two additional columns in the original entitled “Billiard Tables” and “Stud Horses.” No individuals were listed as owning any of either and those columns have been left out of the table. Name Land Free Polls Black Polls Town Lots Alexander, Ebenezar 1 Alexander, Joseph 1 Bowers, Daniel 1 Buchanan, Edward 1 Culton, James 1 Crawford, James 1 Duncan, John 1 1 Forguson [Ferguson], Robert 1 Ferguson, John 1 Forguson, Hugh 1 Finley, Joseph 1 Gilbreath, Wm 1 Gilmore, John 1 Gold, John 1 Houston, Samuel 1 1 Harris, John 1 Harris, Wm 1 Harris, Jonathan 1 1 Houston, … Read more
Blount County Tennessee lies between the Tennessee River and the great Smoky Mountain, and south of Knox County. It has an area of about 470 square miles, one-sixth of which is mountain land. It is abundantly supplied with water and water power. The principal stream is Little River, which receives the waters of Crooked Creek, Pistol Creek, Nails Creek and Ellejoy. In the southern and western portions of the county are Abram, Nine Mile, Six Mile, Four Mile, Baker and Boyd Creeks. The mineral resources are abundant. In addition to iron and marble. silver and gold are found in paying … Read more