Blount County, Tennessee, World War 1 Veterans

WWI Monument in Knoxville Tennessee

This index lists the 893 individuals who served from Blount County during World War I. There were 768 soldiers in the Army, 35 of which were officers. There were 93 sailors in the Navy, 1 of which was an officer. There were 16 Marines in the Marine Corps. There were 16 fraudulent enlistments, discharges, dishonorable discharges, or desertions.

Blount County Tennessee Chancery Court Records 1850 – 1900s

The government of Blount County, Tennessee has created an index for their Chancery Court records covering the years of 1850-1900s. These records are stored in twenty-nine boxes with an archives copy stored on microfilm. This index is reproduced below in a searchable format. Click here to see their pdf version of this index. Chancery court cases contain records of equity cases, some divorces, estate disputes and other private suits.

Tax rate of Captain Montgomery’s Company for the Year 1801

Blount County TN 1801 Tax List - Page 03

There are two additional columns in the original entitled “Billiard Tables” and “Stud Horses.” No individuals were listed as owning any of the former, and only two individuals of Montgomery’s Company were designated as owning any of the latter: William Davidson had 2 and Meshech Tipton had 1. Name Land Free Polls Black Polls Town Lots Bromley, James 1 Beard, George 1 Blair, John 1 Blair, William 1 Brown, John 1 Blizard, Thomas 1 Black, Gavin 200 1 Bradley, John 1 Beard, Henry 1 Beaty, Samel 1 Conway, Thomas 1 Conway, Joseph 1 Conway, Jessey 1 Camron, Samuel 1 Campbel, … Read more