Anderson County Deed Index: 1837-1842

Anderson County Deed index provides a full index of all people named in Anderson County, Tennessee deeds for the years of 1837 – 1842 as found in volume K, Register of Deeds. These deeds were microfilmed by the Tennessee State Archives on roll #31.

Fourth survey district of Tennessee, 1808-1810

The survey book of John McClellan, surveyor for the Fourth Survey District of Tennessee covers the area in the 4th District for the years of 1808-1810. The counties covered in the original were: Anderson, Bledsoe, Campbell, Knox, Overton, Rhea and Roane. Many of the present counties were not in existence at the time of the surveys and some of the residences mentioned could well be within one of the modern counties of: Cumberland, Morgan, Scott and Fentress. These latter counties were formed much later. in fact, several of the Bledsoe grants were in the Grassy Cove area and this is … Read more