Biography of Dr. Thomas H. Phillips

Dr Thomas H Phillips

Dr. Thomas H. Phillips came to thee United States from Masteg, South Wales with his mother and father in 1882 when he was only three months old. It was in Rockwood that he grew to manhood and was graduated from the Vanderbilt School of Medicine, He began his practice In Briceville, Tennessee, but later moved to Rockwood to make his home. Few people know that in his younger days he dabbled in oil painting and played the piano. He was so skillful with his hands that it is no wonder he became an excellent surgeon. Dr. Phillips married the former … Read more

Biography of Hon. F. D. Owings

F D Owings

A prominent attorney who stands at the head of his profession in Roane County. Of the young sons of East Tennessee, Gen. F. D. Owings, of Rockwood, stands in the forefront. He was born December 15th, 1852, receiving his first lessons in the common schools under the tutorship of Col. Jno. R. Neal. From the common schools he spent one year at Emory and Henry college, at the end of which his school days ceased for a time. In 1880 Mr. Owings was elected to represent Roane County in the state legislature where he made quite a name for himself, … Read more

Biography of Sewell Howard

Sewell Howard

Sewell Howard was born November 23, 1856 in Morgan County, Tennessee, the son of Nathan and Christine Cook Howard. He attended the public schools of Morgan County before moving to Rockwood with his parents at the age of ten. His coming to Rockwood antedated by two years, the founding of the town and the establishment of the Roane Iron Company here in 1868. When a young man, he became an employee of that industry, remaining with the Company until 1885, when he formed a partnership with J.N. Baker and entered the general contracting business. Shortly after the new organization, the … Read more

Biography of Sam Houston

Gen Sam Houston

Gen. Sam. Houston. What one who knew him from boyhood remembers. [Nashville American.] A short time ago Judge Jo. C. Guild who is actively engaged in the preparation of a work embracing his personal recollections of men and events in Tennessee during the past sixty years, requested Col. Willoughby Williams, of this city, to write a brief sketch of Gen. Sam. Houston, with whose history from early boyhood, Col. Williams is better acquainted than any living man. The request was complied with, and we are permitted to give the result below: Nashville Tenn., April 1, 1878.– Judge Jo. C. Guild … Read more

Biography of J. F. Crowder

A Prominent Instructor in the Rockwood High School J. F. Crowder is at present first assistant in the Rockwood High School and is a young man, having been born in Roane County in 1871. Mr. Crowder studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1895, and at the end of the present school term will engage in the practice of law. He is a close student and will make his mark as an attorney.

Biography of S. A. Brazeale

S. A. Brazeale

S.A. Brazeale was a prominent attorney of Kingston. The subject of this sketch was born of humble parentage on a farm in Roane county. Educated himself, graduating at Friendsville academy, working his way as janitor. He then taught school, and was afterwards a student of the University of Tennessee. Was next principal of a high school in Alabama, returning later and studying law under Judge Jno. J. Blair. He at once formed a co-partnership at Kingston with Col. Sam Epps Young and since that time Mr. Breazeale has been seen in most all important cases in the oane county courts, … Read more

Biography of Ms. Rebecca Sanborn

Rebecca Sanborn

Teacher in the Public Schools at Rockwood. Miss Rebecca Sanborn, who is principal of the overflow school at Rockwood, was born in Michigan in 1873, moving to Rockwood in ’82; graduating in the high school here in ’94. She began teaching the same year and has so continued without ceasing. Miss Sanborn makes teaching a continuous study and because of which she was given charge of the overflow school. Besides this popularity, she is universally admired outside of the school room.

Biography of James Fletcher Tarwater

James Fletcher Tarwater

James Fletcher Tarwater was born in Dandridge, Tennessee, November 4, 1847, the son of Rev. William Tarwater, a Baptist Minister. In 1863, he enlisted in the Union Army, serving in the Ninth Tennessee Cavalry until the close of the War. Following which he came to Roane County. General Wilder and associates had started at Rockwood a coke furnace for the making of pig iron. Mr. Tarwater mined ore for this new plant, operating through the Brown Mining Company at Cardiff. He was a Director of The Roane Iron Company, one of the organizers of the Rockwood Hosiery Mills and the … Read more

Biography of Henry Clay Evans

Tennessee the Volunteer State volume 2 table of contents

One of the most conspicuous and honorable names in Tennessee history is that of the late H. Clay Evans of Chattanooga. “The greatest republican of the south” is the descriptive phrase which has often been applied to him and which he well merited. His greatness, however, was not confined to republicanism or politics, but was of wide range and infinite variety. As a public official, a diplomat, an educator, a manufacturer, a financier, an executive, or as a plain, home-loving business man, his activities were inspired by a fine courage, strong convictions, indomitable industry and unswerving loyalty to principle. He … Read more

Biography of General John Adams

Tennessee the Volunteer State volume 2 table of contents

General John Adams was born in Giles county, Tennessee, in 1825 and died on the battlefield of Franklin, November 30, 1864. He was graduated from West Point and served in the Mexican War. He enlisted immediately upon the outbreak of the War between the States. It is a remarkable tribute to General Adams that he was the only general of the Confederacy whose body and horse were both found on the breastworks of the enemy, both shot to death in the very presence of the Union forces. The Federal officer who observed his fall said: General Adams rode up to … Read more