Blount county, Tennessee Marriage Records, 1820-1924

The marriage records below were user submitted by previous visitors to this website. These records are unsourced and as such should only be utilized as a lead for your family tree. Their appearance here should not be considered a fact that the individuals mentioned were married in Blount County, Tennessee on these dates. Marriages Sorted by Groom Groom Marriage Date Bride Absalom Abraham Abbott 12 Dec 1871 Elizabeth Brickey Benjamin Franklin Abbott 15 Apr 1861 Mary Jane Brickey John Abbott 07 Nov 1884 Rhoda Elizabeth Lawson John Andrew Abbott 03 Feb 1848 Winifred Brewer Giles Parmon Adams 16 Mar 1888 … Read more

Tax Rate of Captain Bogle’s Company for the Year 1801

Blount County TN 1801 Tax List - Page 01

There are two additional columns in the original entitled “Billiard Tables” and “Stud Horses.” No individuals were listed as owning any of the former, and only two individuals of Bogle’s Company were designated as owning any of the latter: William Boyd and Michel Nyman. Name Land Free Polls Black Polls Town Lots Bogle, Samuel 150 1 Bell, John 150 1 Bogle, Joseph 150 1 1 Boyd, Robert 150 1 Boyd, William 200 1 Bowerman, John 30 1 Bogle, Hugh 200 1 Bogle, Andrew 200 2 Carson, David 200 1 Cusack [Cusick], John B. 1 Cunningham, John 100 1 Cup [Cupp], … Read more

Blount County, Tennessee, 1860 Mortality Schedule

1860 Blount County Mortality Schedule Page 1

Mortality schedules list people who died during the previous 12 months. Mortality schedules were taken along with population schedules during the 1860 census. These schedules include persons who died between June 1st through May 31st in the year prior to the 1860 federal census. The 1860 mortality schedule lists the dead person’s name; age, sex, color (white, black, or mulatto), free or slave, married or widowed; place of birth; month of death; profession, occupation, or trade; cause of death; and number of days ill. Though part of the federal censuses, mortality schedules are separate from the population schedules. The following … Read more

History of Blount County Tennessee

Blount County Tennessee lies between the Tennessee River and the great Smoky Mountain, and south of Knox County. It has an area of about 470 square miles, one-sixth of which is mountain land. It is abundantly supplied with water and water power. The principal stream is Little River, which receives the waters of Crooked Creek, Pistol Creek, Nails Creek and Ellejoy. In the southern and western portions of the county are Abram, Nine Mile, Six Mile, Four Mile, Baker and Boyd Creeks. The mineral resources are abundant. In addition to iron and marble. silver and gold are found in paying … Read more