Anderson County, Tennessee, World War 1 Veterans

WWI Monument in Knoxville Tennessee

This index reports that 693 individuals served from Anderson County during World War I. There were 625 soldiers in the Army, 15 of which were officers. There were 50 sailors in the Navy and none were officers. There were 7 Marines in the Marine Corps. There were 11 fraudulent enlistments, discharges, dishonorable discharges, or desertions.

McNairy County, Tennessee, World War 1 Veterans

WWI Monument in Knoxville Tennessee

This index reports that 656 individuals served from McNairy County during World War I. There were 592 soldiers in the Army and 2 were officers. There were 49 sailors in the Navy and 1 was an officer. There were 6 soldiers in the Marine Corps. There were 9 fraudulent enlistments, discharges, dishonorable discharges, or desertions.

Index to Blount County Will Book, No. 1, 1799-1858

1869 Explanation of Will Book 1

The following index was compiled from the transcribed wills created in 1869 from all known records not destroyed previously by fire. This new book was created by James A. Greer under the auspices of a Blount County committee assigned to the task. The original handwritten copy can be found on FamilySearch as Film #888878, Item 1. A typed copy of this recreated wills can be found on FamilySearch Film #24598, Item 2. They record the same wills, one is typed, one is handwritten. You should also search the Blount County Tennessee Probate Cases, Settlements, Guardianships, 1795-1980 which are digital copies … Read more

Brief History of Lynchburg, Moore County, Tennessee

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

Thomas Roundtree, who lived in the log house on the lot where Dr. E. Y. Salmon now resides, was the original proprietor of the lands on which Lynchburg is located. He laid out the town about the year 1818, and, as the famous beech tree, used as a lynching post, where early offenders were punished, stood over the spring near his house, he very appropriately named the town Lynchburg. Lots were laid out and numbered on the street south of the court house and sold at public sale; but, no records having been preserved, it is impossible to give date … Read more

Moore County, Tennessee Military History

Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1887

The citizens of the territory composing Moore County have contributed their full share of soldiers to fight the battles of their country. A few of the early settlers were survivors of the war of the Revolution, and some of them served in the struggle of 1812, but it is impossible now to obtain an account of their names and services. A few survivors of the Mexican and Florida wars still reside within the county. Public excitement ran very high here at the outbreak of the late civil war. Public meetings were held at Lynchburg, and at other points throughout the … Read more

Blount County Tennessee Chancery Court Records 1850 – 1900s

The government of Blount County, Tennessee has created an index for their Chancery Court records covering the years of 1850-1900s. These records are stored in twenty-nine boxes with an archives copy stored on microfilm. This index is reproduced below in a searchable format. Click here to see their pdf version of this index. Chancery court cases contain records of equity cases, some divorces, estate disputes and other private suits.

Tax rate of Captain Montgomery’s Company for the Year 1801

Blount County TN 1801 Tax List - Page 03

There are two additional columns in the original entitled “Billiard Tables” and “Stud Horses.” No individuals were listed as owning any of the former, and only two individuals of Montgomery’s Company were designated as owning any of the latter: William Davidson had 2 and Meshech Tipton had 1. Name Land Free Polls Black Polls Town Lots Bromley, James 1 Beard, George 1 Blair, John 1 Blair, William 1 Brown, John 1 Blizard, Thomas 1 Black, Gavin 200 1 Bradley, John 1 Beard, Henry 1 Beaty, Samel 1 Conway, Thomas 1 Conway, Joseph 1 Conway, Jessey 1 Camron, Samuel 1 Campbel, … Read more

Blount County, Tennessee, 1860 Mortality Schedule

1860 Blount County Mortality Schedule Page 1

Mortality schedules list people who died during the previous 12 months. Mortality schedules were taken along with population schedules during the 1860 census. These schedules include persons who died between June 1st through May 31st in the year prior to the 1860 federal census. The 1860 mortality schedule lists the dead person’s name; age, sex, color (white, black, or mulatto), free or slave, married or widowed; place of birth; month of death; profession, occupation, or trade; cause of death; and number of days ill. Though part of the federal censuses, mortality schedules are separate from the population schedules. The following … Read more

Brickey Cemetery, Townsend

Cemetery Pic

Name Birth Date Death Date Notes Absalom Abbott 1804 1886 Elder was in front of his name Annis Stillwell Abbott 1807 1870 ~ Benjamin Franklin Abbott 07 Jul 1833 12 Mar 1926 ~ John Andrew Abbott 1825 1887 Co B, 6 Tenn Inf John Horace Abbott 19 Sep 1859 03 Dec 1923 Elder was in front of his name Mary Jane Compton Abbott 06 Jan 1865 23 Dec 1945 ~ Nora Ellenor Andrews Abbott 15 Sep 1882 11 Jul 1932 ~ Oscar Merrick Abbott 01 May 1907 09 Nov 1931 ~ William Franklin Abbott 19 Jul 1878 09 Oct 1965 … Read more